As more and more people became familiar with the sport, schools came to the consideration that it was ideal for exercise and health.
This was the feather step that football took to become a professional sport. Football was not seen as a mode of entertainment only but it was a cohesive sport because it brought people from different communities together. Football however was much of a help in the field of employment as many people were employed and for youths it was a way to get them out of the street by taking part in the sport. Media was improved as they could always have a story to talk about especially the football results, hence before this sport they had to work extra had to feel some of the newspaper pages.
Football rapidly grew, subconsciously people came to the realisation that it was educative, some said “it made them feel alive ““playing-soccer-makes-me-feel-like-i-am-ali...: however I think the myth behind football being educative was bought by the development of media.
Media bought the educational side of sport which includes:
- Analyses
- Progression
- Team work
- Confidence
- Learning about sport
- Come up with solutions (tactics )
- Motivation
- Respect
- Learning to communicate
- Role models
- Support
All these qualities have made people (government) consider having football played in schools a part of physical education as it is easy to learn
A football team consists of 11 players in the field and they work together as well as listen to their coach’s tactic to obtain a win. However despite being on the field playing or supporting one must have an understanding of the game. With media in place role model have been create e.g. Wayne Rooney, Lionel messi, Pele, Emmanuel Adebayo etc. As a role model someone like Adebayo have made the black or African community realize that no matter what race or country you are from: you can achieve your goals if you work hard to reach them
There are many ways football (sport) in educational: again a competent sports performer has to possess certain qualities that e.g.
- Has to have sufficient skills to participate in game
- Understand and execute strategies appropriate
- Communication skills
- Learning skills
- Function as an active participant
- Responsibility
- Co-operation
- Flexibility
- Commitment
- Problem solving
With sport we also have managed to obtain certain skills as I mentioned above! Also there are other goals that it helps as achieve e.g. competent, literate, enthusiastic. This is also made us come up with particular ways of tackling a problem and think on our own in our day to day lives for example the Manchester united (Man U) versus Manchester city (Man city) game when Man city was leading with six goals Man united were determined that they were going to recovery hence their determination helped them acquire a goal hence in a day to day life it’s also a helpful aspect that an individual learns not to give up no matter what situation.
Sport entertainment
Entertainment is a type of spectacle which presents an ostensibly competitive event using a high level of theatrical flourish and extravagant presentation, with the purpose of entertaining an audience.
Sport has been made recreation for example World Wrestling Federation has been made more interesting by creating a story line and in the 80s they introduced female wrestling
Sports entertainment has a stigma of being mindless pop culture, in some cases glorifying violence for the sake of entertainment, and has been criticized as such in popular media, often through lampooning: the president is an active champion professional wrestler and capital punishment consists of a combination demolition derby, monster truck event and gladiator duel, and is a highly popular television broadcast. Fiction with a dystopian future setting often portrays deadly futuristic games as popular sports entertainment, including the movie The Running Man, video games such as Smash TV and the Twisted Metal series, and the roleplaying game Shadow run, which features Urban Brawl and Combat Biking
Some sports are not in to leagues but they are part of entertainment purposes, sports like basketball with the Harlem Globetrotters association, or football with the Lingerie Football League. Others are modifications of sport for entertainment purposes: many types of professional sports like football, they introduced penalties, and off -side rule this was to ensure that the match because more interesting for the viewer
Some forms of sports entertainment involve taking competitive games which are usually considered minor, such as dodge ball, poker, or rock-paper-scissors, and televising them with trumped-up theatrics, such as celebrity competitors or elaborate audiovisual packages
Satellite Television Analysis
In the United Kingdom various sports are broadcasted: however they vary as they all have their own particular, unique public. Some sports are dominant in popularity then others. The following is pie chart a perfect display of the sport media, mass media throughout sky sports channels. Also the pie chart clarifies the sports that dominate the sporting coverage. Following this chart I will then do analyses of the results.
Football has got a higher percentage of coverage on sky sports, this is because it has got a bigger fan base and it is cheap to play. Other sports like cricket are a bit expensive to play because you would need to have equipment like bat, cricket ball, and cricket pad etc. however this would means that there are more health and safety regulations in cricket than football, whereas in football it is basically getting a football despite the shin pads, again it has its regulation especially when you are on professional level e.g. in the premier league a player can’t play without shin pads.
Football on 18 percent coverage within sky sports; although it seems small it is one of the dominant sports because of its spectators and popularity. The fan base of football is big than cricket hence companies like sky, virgin are private companies so they make their main aim is to get capital , however I reckon they would focus on what get them the most viewing.
Cricket also has its only various leagues but they played within a district or region e.g. Yorkshire ECB County Premier League - it consist of Barnsley, Castleford, Cleethorpes, Doncaster Town etc. These teams are small hence they normally play within their local counties. Also cricket doesn’t have big sponsors like Barclays which literally means most of their many is made through small sponsor like n power who don’t even spend as much .Again football has big sponsors like Barclays Nike, puma, Addidas, Diadora, Santander, sky sports etc. However sky sports pay more to the football league for them to broadcast football whereas they spend less money for them to broadcast cricket.
Above are the minimum salaries of a cricket player this clearly show that they don’t have ridiculous pay roles as football players. However this shows they the professional cricket association (pca) has got rules and regulations of pays within the cricket league .These salaries somehow limit the things that cricketers do.
Above is the amount of money that football team where paid however this has increased over the years. This shows that football players get paid more because their teams have got more money to spend. Hence with better pay role means more competition. Football has more competitors as well as spectators than cricket.