Sports Injuries

Sprained ankle – of a football player

Phase 1- the first thing to do when an athlete sprains an ankle is to make sure any footwear is not removed and that they do not attempt to put weight on the ankle as this could just make the injury worse.

SALTAPS is a protocol that would help diagnose and treat the injury. It should be used as soon as the injury has happened

See – the injury occur, look at the mechanism of the injury.

Ask – the player what is wrong, where they are injured, where the pain is and how it happened.

Look – at the injury, and look for redness, deformity, bleeding or inflammation.

Touch – the injury or area around injury to see if you can feel heat, ask the injured person If thy feel pain or any other sensations.

Active Movement – see if the injured person can move the injured area

Passive Movement – try to move the injured area

Strength – if both passive and active movements are performed with no pain try a resistance movement to see if any pain occurs.  

If any bleeding has occurred covering and compressing the cut with a sterile cloth/bandage must treat this.

The RICE protocol should now be used:

REST - the injured part immediately, this will stop the injury be further aggravated and there will be more pain if this is the case

ICE – the injured area should be cooled, using something such as a cold compress or freeze spray, this will close the blood vessels meaning blood will not be able to get to the injured area so well and this in turn reduces swelling

COMPRESS - the injured site should be compressed using strapping, this also restricts blood flow into the injured area as it makes the blood vessels constrict, meaning swelling and will be controlled/reduced, whilst also bringing out the bruise.

ELEVATE - the injured limb should be elevated, which drains the blood from the injured area, meaning swelling will be reduced, when the leg is elevated it should be elevated above the level of the heart and held by a support of some kind.

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This protocol will reduce swelling and pain as well as helping reduce injury time if performed correctly and quickly.

When using cold application the skin should go through four stages. These sensations are coldness, burning, pain/ache and finally numbness. When the forth sensation of numbness sets in the application should be removed.

Exercise is not recommended after these two stages have been performed as the main aim is to protect the injury from any further damage and prevent further swelling or bleeding if this has occurred.

Within three to ten days after the injury, this is when ...

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