The energy system Our bodies need a supply of energy to enable it to carry out the functions to live. These functions can be digesting food to live and avoid starving to death, performing muscular contractions to do everyday life such as eating or exerci

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Assignment 4-The energy systems

The energy system

Our bodies need a supply of energy to enable it to carry out the functions to live. These functions can be digesting food to live and avoid starving to death, performing muscular contractions to do everyday life such as eating or exercising, repairing and replacing tissue. Energy come in different forms such as mechanical, chemical, heat and electrical. This energy’s can transferred from one form of energy to another one, for example, chemical energy found in food is converted into mechanical energy to enable us to move, or it can always  be transformed into potential energy  and can be reserved in the body for later use. Another source of energy that is essential for human beings is heat energy. Heat energy is giving off as a by-product when metabolism increases, leading to sweating.

Adenosine triphosphate (ATP)

The body uses one form of energy, that energy is adenosine triphosphate or for shorter can be known as ATP.The chemical basis of energy production is ATP.This energy source is produce when our bodies breaks down the food that we consumed. The food types that contain energy in form of kilocalories (kcals) are , carbohydrates 1 gram gives 4 kcals, protein 1g gives 4 kcals and fat that provides the body with the highest kcals, at around 1g gives  9 kcals.Adenosine triphosphate is made of 1 adenosine molecule attached to 3 phosphate molecules. Thee molecules are bound together by high energy bonds. The energy bonds contain the energy and therefore to free the energy we need to break down the bonds attaching the molecules. In order to break one of the bonds we need an enzyme called ATPase.When the ATP has being broken down we are then left with a second compound called adenosine diphosphate or ADP.Resulting with a loose phosphate in the process. Our human bodies have limited stores of ATP in the muscles and ADP cannot be broken down any further. To have additional production of energy we need to resynthesis ATP.Adenosine diphosphate and a phosphate is left over; however we need to reattach that spare phosphate to the adenosine diphosphate to make ATP again. Fortunately we have the three energy systems which provide the energy for this reaction to happen, creatine phosphate system, Lactic acid system and aerobic system.

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Application to sport

The ATP system is utilised in sport when quick and explosive movement is needed. The duration in which the ATP is used in sport is around 0-3 seconds. The sporting examples that will utilize this short duration of energy are normally in boxing, when the boxer has to generate a quick punch to an opponent. Other occasions that ATP is needed is while playing football this energy will be summoned when shooting the ball, In Olympic events when the javelin is quickly throwed+ other throwing events e.g. shot put, jumps and short sprints all lasting around 0-3 ...

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