What Should An Athlete Eat Before, During and After Exercise

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What Should An Athlete Eat Before, During and After Exercise


  • Have some high carbohydrate foods like bananas or fruit juices. These foods are broken down quickly and provide glucose to the muscles.
  • The timing of this meal depends on athletes' preference although eating something from 1 to 4 hours before exercise helps keep plenty of blood glucose available for working muscles.
  • It is also critical to drink plenty of cool water before exercise to keep muscles hydrated.
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  • Perspiration takes away valuable fluids, drink plenty of cool water or energy drinks during exercise.
  • If exercise is over 90 minutes replace carbohydrates with a banana or something sugary.


  • If the exercise was strenuous and lasted a long time, glycogen stores may need refueling. Consuming foods and beverages high in carbohydrates right after exercise will replenish glycogen stores if they are low after exercising.
  • No matter the intensity of the exercise, it's important to drink plenty of water and eat a nutritious, balanced meal that has lots of carbohydrate rich foods such as grains, pastas, ...

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