Analyse the main differences between Liberal and Marxist ideology

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Analyse the main differences between Liberal and Marxist ideology

Ideology can be defined as a set of beliefs, attitudes, values, and ideas that characterises the consciousness of a class at a given historical moment. This set is determined by social, economic, and historical factors. According to Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, any ideological superstructure derives from a material infrastructure or economic base.

The term liberalism refers to the distinct set of political ideas encompassed within it. Liberalism as an ideology may not have been around until the early 1800's, but the essence of it had been developing since the collapse of the feudal system, mainly in Europe, and it being replaced by a market or capitalist society.

The term individual freedom is what liberals sometimes refer to as the "natural right", a fundamental necessity for having a true life. Individuals should be free to decide where and how they live, creating an environment where they can reach their true potential. However, this is not limitless, as liberals believe there should not be complete freedom, as it can become "licence". This basically means that individuals do not have the right to abuse others - anything that would lessen another individuals personal freedom.

Individual freedom is seen by many liberals as the supreme political value, and in many ways is the unifying principle of the ideology, but to say liberalism is merely concerned by this alone is short-sighted, and easily proven to be incorrect. There are many other core values entrenched in liberalism, equally significant and important as each other.
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Social justice is the belief that all individuals are equal so have equal rights due to the fact that they are human. These are also referred to as "natural" or "human" rights, and they are not withheld for any specific group of people, therefore liberals are against any advantages or privileges bestowed on any individuals based on a factor or factors that they cannot control e.g. race, gender, etc. It also includes the belief that individuals should be seen as "equal before the law", so basically no-one should be above the law, or get different treatment when being ...

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