Analyse the main distinctions between the role and importance of the House of Commons and the House of Lords.

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Analyse the main distinctions between the role and importance of the House of Commons and the House of Lords.



The House of Lords and Commons, have different roles in which they play in parliament, their roles being their obligations to society and their importance being, how valuable and effective they are as individual constituencies in parliament.

     In terms of power, the House of Commons can be said to be the Senior House this occurs for a number of reasons, for example the Commons has the ultimate power to remove a government from office.  Generally, the House of Commons have an effective veto over everything the government does. This can be supported by the fact that all Bills go through the House of Commons, although the Government proposes the majority of amendments proposed to a bill. The House of Commons also holds the power to call ministers to account, this in turn restores a balance in parliament, it also happens to be more effective in select committees, which focus on a particular field In society such as the Defence, Education and Works of Art to name a few.

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   Also very rarely MPS can force legislative amendments from the government, this often occurs like a miracle but it is also possible depending on the persistence proposed by the MPS and the effectiveness of their communication on the issue with the government.

So the Commons is extremely powerful by law, but acts in reality as a kind of 'legitimising' chamber for government bills. It is not, however,” toothless”, as some would say, but performs a very useful function of providing a mechanism by which flaws in legislation can be exposed and remedied.

    The House of ...

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