Assess how far there is or isn’t a distinction between authority and power.

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James Insole 7M1

Assess how far there is or isn’t a distinction between authority and power.


        The first main point to raise in this discussion is can the two exist independently, without each other if you were to have total control of the state.  It is hard to distinguish between the two as a result, as they are so dependent on one and other.  


        However, Rousseau ( 1712 - 1778) would disagree with this.  He claims that authority is dependent on power to work, but power does not have to rely on authority to work, as there is no moral obligation to obey a government based on force (power) as it is able to coerce people into it.  

        Conservatism also favours power, and sees it as more essential than authority, as it believes that with power comes authority just as Rousseau argued.  According to conservatism the authority of the state originates from custom and tradition, and is therefore very reluctant to change out-of-date theories of legitimacy.   As it is traditional, it is also therefore adopts an authoritarian principle.

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        But where does the state’s authority and power derive from, it is the strongest who rule.  The ability to use force compels obedience from the state people.  It has been seen many times in history that when the power fails, the state ultimately collapses.  


        Power is basically the ability to make things happen concerning both political and social areas, and means people getting to do what you want them to.  It can be achieved by physical force, which leads to the people being coerced have their independent ability to act overridden.  


        Power established by and ...

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