Assess the arguments in favour of the greater use of Direct Democracy in the UK (25) :

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Assess the arguments in favour of the greater use of Direct Democracy in the UK (25) :

Direct Democracy is Government by the people, for the people; and allows citizens of a municipality or state to have a direct effect on both how they are governed, and the outcomes of certain issues; for example, in cases when a referendum is required. Referendums are a good example of Direct Democracy; voters can vote either ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ to express their opinions, and the majority wins. However, they rarely take place; normally only at a time of constitutional change, or when the issue is serious and based on public opinion. There hasn’t been a UK wide referendum since 1975, though Scotland has had several since, for example to do with the dissolution of their Parliament.

However, there are issues with this form of Democracy; as although it is direct, it is not necessarily fair, and this is the issue at hand. Referendums allow for ‘tyranny of the majority’ to occur, whereby the views of minority groups are insignificant, as the majority win despite issues with accurate representation in the results. On the other hand, the current elected Parliament is also misrepresentative of the populace; 51% of the population is female, but only 22% of the seats in the House of Commons are held by women, and only 21% in that of Lords.

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To decide whether I think there should be an increase in the use of Direct Democracy in the UK, I will need to assess the arguments in favour; ‘Allows people to have more of an effect on Politics, and is therefore more legitimate’, ‘Public will be more informed about current political issues’, and, ‘Increased public participation may help combat current disillusionment with the Government, and negative opinion of MP’s in general’, and decide whether these carry enough merit to consider doing so.

Probably the largest problem any voting system faces;, is non-legitimacy of results due to low voter turnout. Whilst ...

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3 Stars - A well structured essay that contained the key components of evaluation and argument throughout. The question was addressed. Where the answer had weaknesses was that the concept of direct democracy was mainly referred to in quite theoretical terms - the answer would have been stronger had there been greater use of examples of direct democracy in practice.