Assess the effects of imperialism on European countries during the later years of the nineteenth century

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Assess the effects of imperialism on European countries during the later years of the nineteenth century.

From about 1870-1905, also known as the ‘Era of Empire for Empire's Sake’, ‘The Great Adventure’ and ‘The Scramble for Africa’, European nations began what is called ‘New Imperialism’ today. During this age, almost 23,000,000 km² of territory was acquired. Colonialism was widespread in Southeast Asia and the East Asia seaboard, but Africa was still ultimately the target of imperialist expansion.

There had been much controversy on the effects of ‘New Imperialism’, whether it did more harm or good to the European nations.

Colonies alleviated the economic problems of their colonial masters. As a result of falling mortality rates and rising life expectancies in the 18th century due to medical advancement, the population in Europe rose dramatically and rapidly (from 188 million to 432 million in 1800 to 1900). As living standards rose, so too did the demand for new goods and services. The European nations believed if population was increase at its present rate, there would be a point in time where they would not be able to support themselves economically. Industry-orientated countries, especially Britain had long begun running an unfavourable balance of trade, which was increasingly offset by income from overseas investments. For instance, West African cocoa earned the dollars Britain desperately needed. Also, industrialisation led to overproduction and low prices, implying the domestic continental market was shrinking. However, new foreign markets improved this problem, as they bought more from their metropolises than they sold overall. This was earlier advocated by pro-imperialists such as Léopold II (Belgium), Francesco Crispi (Italy), and Jules Ferry (France). Besides, colonies supplied the European nations with commodities (coffee beans, porcelain, etc) and natural resources (copper, cotton, rubber, tin, etc), which European consumers had grown accustomed to and which European industry had grown dependent upon.

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Imperialism brought along, in addition, substantial economic benefits to European nations. Surplus capital was often invested overseas, where cheap labour, limited competition, and abundant raw materials made larger profits possible.

However, the economic advantages imperialism brought along were overvalued. Many colonies, particularly the sub-Saharan African ones, were of negligible economic value, and their colonial masters even incurred substantial costs defending them in times of war.

To the European nations, colonies were vital for national security, military power, and national prestige. The extension of European control over Africa and Asia added a further dimension to the ...

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