The inteventiion by America was seen to be as un-constitutional behaviour. The constitution was based on the land of free will and was set up be the founding fathers of America in order to give those escaping personal, religious and economic persucation an opportunity to survive. With George Bush Snr defeating Sadaam Hussein and ordering him and his trrops withdrawal from Kuwait this was deemed to be going against the Constitution. This is because America and George Bush were imposing themselves on a foreign country and determined how they were to conduct themselves. There was no justification for their involvement. Having previously defeat the Soviet Union there was no oppostion to America and they were seen as the only ‘Super Power’. With the concept of Seperation of Power being upheld in America, Internationally, this was not the case as there was no form of checks and balances, there was no one to question America so they done what they percieved to be correct. They were imposing their own from of government on foreign land, this goes against the Constitution and the 6 defining principles which make up the Constitution.
The next challenge on the Constitution was the attack on the World Trade Centres on September 11th 2001. The September 11, 2001 attacks were a series of suicide attacks against the conducted on , , . According to the official , nineteen men affiliated with and , a loose network of , simultaneously four U.S. domestic . Two were crashed into the in , — one into each of the two tallest , about 18 minutes apart — shortly after which both towers collapsed. The reported that these attackers turned the hijacked planes into the largest in history in one of the most lethal acts ever carried out in the United States. The September 11th attacks are among the most significant events to have occurred so far in the in terms of the profound , , , and effects that followed in the and many other parts of the .
It is specualted that the motive behind these attacks was due to US occupation of the Arabian Peninsula., US aggression against the Iraqi people and US support of Israel. The Gulf War and the ensuing sanctions against and bombing of Iraq by the United States, were cited, in 1998, as further proof of these allegations.
As a result of these attacks America can now arrest and imprison susspected terrorists without trial. This is a breach of the Bill Of Rights which was was added to the Constitution. It breached article 7 which is regard to the judicial system, which states that everyone is entitled to trial by jury and a fair trial. However with suspected terorists being arrested with no evidence this goes agianst basic human rights and the freedom of the individual. This can also be seen as a form of religious persecution, as it was primarily percieved to be an anti-muslim campaign. The irony of this is that the Constitution was formed by the founding fathers for those who inhabited America first, which were those escaping religious persecution. The people then in turn lost faith in its constitution and its government.
The terorist attacks on America, New York, led to the eventual invasion of Iraq in 2003 and the continual ongoing conflict there. The motive for invasion given was the fact that America was fighting a global war on terorism and they believed that Iraq held weapons of mass destruction. The 2003 invasion was undertaken by a multinational "" led by the and the , which had invaded Iraq and deposed 's regime on the claimed basis that Hussein had failed to comply with UN resolutions requiring a full accounting of its weapons of mass destruction and full cooperation with UN inspections. The of the conflict began after the Hussein regime had been overthrown, and centers around coalition and UN efforts to establish a state capable of defending itself.
The war was against Sadaam Hussein who had previously been let free by America in 1991 during the Gulf War, the same person who they now claimed to be holding weapons of mass destruction. This, consequently, put pressure on the Constitution as people began to challenge the basis of the constitution therefore they began to loose faith in the constitution. This began to happen as the reason that was known was soon proved to be untrue after the overthrow of the tyrant Sadaam regime where no 'weapons of mass destruction' were discovered and the Americans still lay stuck deep in Iraq which inadvertently sent their children to Iraq to fight for a cause unknown to most the American public and which could have easily been avoided. Some may say a recent day Vietnam is on the hands of George. w. Bush. As the declaration of Independence, written by Thomas Jefferson in 1776, states:
“…whenever any form of government becomes destructive, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it and to institute a new government”
This was clearly not the case in Iraq as even to this day it is America who are trying to establish a new form of government in Iraq after removing its predecessor. This was clearly going against the declaration of independence as it was America who removed the government in Iraq, who they had deemed to be unlawful, they were basing the concepts of their own way of life and following their own Constitution and applying it elsewhere, they were trying to ‘rule’ Iraq.
To conclude over the years the US Constitution has had to withstand many attacks and challenges, from the early World Wars to the most recent in war in Iraq. However, with the US Constitution being so solid and the basis of many other governments in the world, including France, it is able to withstand these pressures. Also it can be seen that over the more recent years the Constitution has begun to be questioned more often, amendments can be made to ensure that this does not occur no more. Witnessing the Gulf War, 9/11 and the war in Iraq can all show that the strongest form of government is being scrutinized more often. It is not up to one individual or nation to determine what is deemed to be unconstitutional in other countries, this makes America look to be hypocrites, this leads to the question is there is one law for America and another for the rest?