Compare and Contrast the Classical Liberal position with the Conservative position on the issue of drug use amongst young people and explain how this affects policy

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Assignment 1 – Political Ideologies and Youth Work Practice                                                           Magda Zylinski: Student # 6040557


Compare and Contrast the Classical Liberal position with the Conservative position on the issue of drug use amongst young people and explain how this affects policy

The policies on the issue of drug use amongst young people are significantly shaped by different political ideologies. The purpose of this essay is to compare and contrast a classical liberal position with the conservative position on the issue of drug use among young people, and explain how political ideologies can influence policy. This essay will explain how the present issue on drug use among young people is seen by society from the classical liberal position and the conservative position. It will compare and contrast the core values, future goals, strategies and method of actions that are used to address the issue of drug use amongst young people and illustrate how the problems of young people are framed. By outlining these important factors, this essay will identify the ways in which policy on the issue of drug use among young people can be shaped by two different ideological perspectives.

One of the problems that arise when discussing the nature of ideologies is the fact that there is no absolute definition of the term, only a collection of rival definitions. However for the purpose of this essay, ‘ideology’ defined by (Heywood, 2003) is:

“More or less coherent set of ideas that provides the basis for organizing political action, whether this is intended to preserve, modify or overthrow the existing system of power. All ideologies therefore (a) offer an account of the existing order, usually in the form of a ‘world-view’, (b) advance a model of a desired future, a vision of a ‘good society’, and (c) explain how political change can and should be brought about – how to get from (a) to (b)”.

“A political ideology largely concerns itself with how to allocate power and to what ends it should be used. It can be a construct of political though, often defining political parties and their policy (Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)”. According to Heywood (2003, p. 3), political ideologies can influence youth policy in several ways”. Firstly, political ideologies present a view of how the “world is understood and explained”. Secondly political ideologies “set goals that inspire political activity”. Thirdly political ideas help shape the nature of political systems. Finally, political ideas and ideologies can act as a form of social cement by providing social groups, and whole societies, with a set of unifying values ad beliefs. By “providing society with a unified political culture, political ideas in one way can either help to promote order and social stability or be “enforced from above in an attempt to manufacture obedience and thereby operate as a form of social control” (Heywood, 2003, p. 4).

According to (Penington, 1999, p. 1) the “use of substances that alter mood goes back thousands of years in various sections of human society, whether we are talking of alcohol, opium, marijuana, the coco leaf or tobacco”. In recent decades, many countries including Australia have experienced an increase in illicit drug use, particularly amongst young people. “This shift has prompted governments, welfare and treatment agencies, among other organizations to develop systematic programmes and policy responses to the problem of illicit drug use” (Duff, 2004, p. 385). The type of programmes and policies that are created however, greatly depends on what political ideology the political party is influenced by.

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The different theories people create about the world allow them to interpret the same event differently. The different worldviews and ‘core values’ that people hold and what they feel would be an ‘ideal world’ is significantly influenced by how the people take ‘action’ to social changes, the type of questions they ask and what they see as the most suitable intervention (Cooper, 2004; Heywood, 2003). By outlining the core values, future goals, strategies and method of actions that underpin the Classical Liberal perspective and the Conservative perspective, will explain how youth policy can be shaped by the two different ...

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