DETAINING TERRORIST SUSPECTS Democracy and judicial review:The main opposition to judicial review is that it is anti democratic-

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Democracy and judicial review:

  • The main opposition to judicial review is that it is anti democratic-  therefore it does not adhere to the true meaning or practice of democracy.
  • This is the case because- it places enormous political powers into the hands of a small group of unelected judges from a small section of society-white, middle class, middle aged males. Some would suggest that this places a limit on the scope of decision making. The judges are likely to think and act in the same or very similar ways, leaving little room for further discussion which could alter the final decisions.
  • The fact that they are not elected in itself defeats the point of a democracy. This means that they do not represent the voice or minds of the masses.

The article primarily focuses on the detention of terrorist suspect in Guantanamo bay, Cuba. At its commencement it welcomes the fact that democracies must defend themselves from any threat- fro example countries are entitled to try officers and soldiers of enemy forces for war crimes, thus taking the notion that “it is better to hold a suspect (of grave crime) in custody than to let him free”-it is only at this point were the article adopts the view that it is all for the best.

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  • For the most part the article is against democracy-it suggests that democracy often steps on its own feet-“ liberal democracies adopt measures infringing human rights in ways that are wholly disproportionate to the crisis”- this suggests that democracy is not working as it should. The article backs this up by stating that terrible injustices have been perpetrated in the name of the security of thousands who have no effective recourse to the law”- Saying 2 things here- democracy states that suspects and criminals have the right to fair trial but they are not being given this- it is also ...

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