Discuss the impact of the Single European Act on European Business and European Economies in General

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European Business

Internal Assignment 1



Class: 2K - 2nd year Diploma in business

Date: 30th September 2004

Discuss the impact of the Single European Act on European Business and European Economies in General

        The Single European Market has made great changes in the European business sector. The mutual recognition of standards has helped to remove barriers and maximize scale economies.

        Businesses can bid for public sector contracts outside their home state and operate freely within the European Union markets. The movement of capital has increased cross-border investments. Individuals can move freely with recognition of their professional and high education qualifications. Consumers enjoy better prices as a consequence of single market liberalization.

        The abolition of customs, fiscal formalities and technical barriers have created competition in community markets, this has encouraged economies growth, to investment and to employment creation.

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        Independent monetary policy has achieved measurable gains with respect to gross domestic product growth.

        The singe European market appears to have boosted both the European Union’s external trade performance and the volume of intra-community trade.

        In terms of external trade performance, the European Union has moved from an external trade deficit, to trade surplus in merchandise goods.

The European Union – 15 enjoys a rapid increase in Internal and external trade in services and also on investment. With respect to intra-community investment flows, gains have been mostly felt in the United Kingdom and Ireland.

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