Explain how groupthink and groupshift affect group decision-making with reference to contemporary management research

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A group is defined as two or more individuals, interacting and interdependent, who work together at achieve particular objectives.

Groups have always been important in organizations. The belief that a group decision is superior to an individual decision-making is generally accepted throughout most organizations. When we work together in groups we sometimes suffer illusions of righteousness and invincibility. One aspect of group decision-making that has been extensively examined has been the phenomena of groupthink. This is a by-product of so-called `cohesive groups' that results in a tendency to allow group pressures for conformity to interfere with or deter effective group decision-making. . Irving Janis offered his theory of groupthink in explanation, arguing that groupthink is "a mode of thinking that people engage in when they are deeply involved in a cohesive in-group, when the members' strivings for unanimity override their motivation to realistically appraise alternative courses of action."

What is groupthink?

Irving L. Janis' "Victims of Groupthink" first developed the term `groupthink'. Irving critically examined a number of political fiascos in history and found that the decisions that facilitated the disasters were a result of what he termed groupthink. Today this term is applied to many group decision making processes where there is a tendency for the group conform to a majority view without any critical appraisal of the underlying assumptions or examination of contrary points of view.

Irving Janis in his book "Victims of Group-Think" described his observations of phenomena of group leadership and member interaction characterised by inward-looking, self-regulating and stereotypical behaviours that lead to distorted decision-making. Janis defines groupthink as

"A mode of thinking that people engage in when they are deeply involved in a cohesive group, when the members' strivings for unanimity override their motivation to realistically appraise alternative courses of action."

What is groupshift?

Groupshift--group makes more or less risky decisions than individuals. What appears to happen in groups is that the discussion leads to a significant shift in the positions of members toward a more extreme position in the direction toward which they were already leaning before the discussion. So conservative types become more cautions and the more aggressive types take on more risk. The group discussion tends to exaggerate the initial position of the group.

Explain how groupthink and groupshift affect group decision-making with reference to contemporary management research


Groupthink is the most severe problem in today's society. It is a serious mental disease that has not been recognized as such. It turns members of a group into believers and followers of rituals. They believe the group is right and others are wrong. It reduces communication from the group to outsiders. In serious cases of groupthink, members use force and violence to convince non-believers.
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"Groupthink refers to a deterioration of mental efficiency, reality testing, and moral judgment that results from in-group pressures". Groupthink can lead to bad judgments and decisions being made. It serves as a simple way to deal with difficult issues. Groupthink is a defective decision-making process that can arise when members of any group favour "consensus seeking" as in solidarity over information processing. Groupthink is more likely to arise when the group is highly cohesive and similar to the exclusion of other points of view within the group. Groupthink occurs in varying degrees and is usually unknown to the ...

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