Health Inequalities in UK

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How effective have Government Policies been at reducing Health inequalities in the UK?

Health inequalities are present throughout the UK. They are influenced by many factors but Lifestyle and Social Class play a very important role. Health inequalities start early in life and continue not only to old age but pass through subsequent generations. Tackling these inequalities in Health is a priority for the UK Government and it is focused on narrowing the Health Gap between disadvantaged groups, communities and the rest of the Country, but most importantly improving health as a whole. In my essay I will examine these policies into further detail and show how effective they have been in reducing these inequalities.

It is thought that in 2004 nearly 1/3 of over 16’s in Scotland smoked cigarettes; this is equivalent to 1.3million people, and it was also reported that around 13,500 deaths were caused from smoke-related illnesses.

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One of the main areas in which its clear the Government has began to tackle Health Inequalities influenced by people’s lifestyle would be the Smoking ban. The ban was first introduced to Scotland on 26th March 2006. Also referred to as “Clearing the Air Scotland” – its aim was to ban people from smoking in enclosed public areas e.g. Public Houses, Restaurants and Hotels. A year on, evidence had shown that the ban was seen to be a success. From a study of nine Scottish hospitals there was a reported 17% fall in heart attacks, 39% reduction of exposure to second ...

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3 Stars - The basic structure and use of supporting evidence is broadly effective in this essay. A logical and well argued conclusion is reached, but not all points were consistently linked to the core question of the effectiveness of policies. in places the style was too informal as well.