Alexander Harding

Civics 3B


Hillary Rodham Clinton

  1. Background

  1. Youth

  1. Hillary Clinton was born on, October 26, 1947  

  2. She was born at Edgewater Hospital in Chicago, Illinois

  3. Her Parents were Hugh Ellsworth Rodham (father) and     Dorothy Emma Howell Rodham (mother)

  4.  As a child, Hillary Rodham was involved in many activities at church and at her public school in Park Ridge. She participated in tennis and other sports and earned awards as a  and . She attended , where she participated in , the debating team and the . For her senior year she was redistricted to , where she was a  and graduated in 1965. Her parents encouraged her to pursue the career of her choice.

  5. Hillary Clinton's picture, on the other hand, looks like she was ripped out of some black and white commercial for a house cleaning product.  

  1. Adult

  1. She has a husband named Bill Clinton and a daughter named Chelsea Clinton.

  2. In 1965, Rodham enrolled in , where she majored in . She served as president of the Wellesley  organization during her freshman year. However, due to her evolving views regarding the  and the , she stepped down from that position; she characterized her own nature as that of "a mind conservative and a heart liberal." In her junior year, Rodham was affected by the death of Martin Luther King, Jr. and became a supporter of the anti-war  of Democrat . Rodham organized a two-day  and worked with Wellesley's black students for moderate changes, such as recruiting more black students and faculty.      

  3.  During her post-graduate study, Rodham served as staff attorney for Edelman's newly-founded  in , and as a consultant to the Carnegie Council on Children. During 1974 she was a member of the impeachment inquiry staff in , advising the  during the . Under the guidance of Chief Counsel  and senior member , Rodham helped research procedures of impeachment and the historical grounds and standards for impeachment. The committee's work culminated in the resignation of President Richard Nixon in August 1974. By then, Rodham was viewed as someone with a bright political future. Rodham came to a key decision.

  4. In a concerted effort to deflect attacks on her presidential credentials, Sen.  (D-N.Y) and her allies repeatedly say she has 35 years of relevant experience. She has been an elected official only seven years, but the drumbeat of sound bites and statements touting the 35-year figure appears to have paid off. Even her Democratic rivals prefer to assail her electability rather than her experience. Polls show that  voters are comfortable with Clinton’s background. A recent Los Angeles Times/Bloomberg poll of over 600 New Hampshire Democratic primary voters showed that 47 percent believe she has the right experience to be president.

  5. Hillary Clinton’s Political experience is 35 and 40.

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  1. Political

  1.  Advisers to Mrs. Clinton say she has more than $10 million left in her political bank account, not to mention a priceless reservoir of speeches, issue research, and financial networks nationally for any future use. Her advisers also say that she does not intend to disassemble her campaign apparatus and staff, as many candidates do when an election end, nor does she plan to immediately close her New York City and Washington campaign offices.

  2.  Clinton called the popular video game  a "major threat" to morality. She said, "Children are playing a game ...

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