How Much Power Does The Prime Minister Have
The role of a Prime Minister has existed since the 1700’s, however most historians find it hard to pin point or name the first ever Prime Minister. Sir Robert Walpole, while universally recognized as the first prime minister of Britain, did not actually hold the title. He was probably called first minister while the title of prime minister was not officially recognized until 1905.
The extent of Prime Ministerial power depends on many factors. The formal powers of the Prime Minister are extensive. They range from the power to appoint, reshuffle and sack members of the Cabinet, appoint ambassadors and the heads of nationalised industries, advise on the appointment of judges and senior bishops in the Church of England, call an election and declare war. As the party leader the Prime Minister is also responsible for personifying the parties image. Below is a list illustrating some of the main responsibilities of a prime minister.