Impact of government policies

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‘The impact of government policies on different public services and how society is affected by those government policies’

The policies created by the UK government can have significant effects on the public services. The government can create:

  • policies that affect all the services
  • policies that affect the armed services
  • policies that affect the emergency services.

Policies that affect all the services

Human rights – The uniformed public services have a lot of control over our lives. They have the power to take away our independence, investigate our private lives, monitor our actions and use the information they find against us. However in order for these powers to be conducted they must be carefully regulated to avoid abuses by the public services against the public. As we live in a democracy, there will always be checks and balances to guarantee that no one service has power over the public that cannot be challenged. In order to prevent this unchallenged power the public services only function with the approval and support of the public. However, even in the UK with highly qualified officers, a breach of human rights can still occur. This is why the government have issued laws to tackle this problem such as the Human Rights Act 1998. The Act makes it clear that all UK citizens have certain privileges and if these rights are broken by the public services then an individual has the right to take the service to court.

Examples of human rights:

  • right to life
  • right to free elections
  • right to a fair trial
  • freedom of expression
  • prohibition of torture

Finance – In order for the public services to operate they need a flow of funds to cover expenses such as equipment and infrastructure. Therefore the financial policies of the government have an incredible impact on the public services. Public money is so important that if the money used to fund the services is reduced then this will have an impact on the work the services can afford. An example of this is in the army where fewer officers may be appointed, they may have less specialised training and equipment and so respond less efficiently to military problems.

Equal opportunities – Is very important to the public services as most of the procedures have changed due to the significance of equal opportunities. The reason for this is the communities which these services work with; if the community has a representation of ethnic minority groups and women then the public services work will change to accommodate the community. As of today many public services are frequently employing women and individuals form ethnic minority backgrounds, although it is nowhere near perfect. In order to tackle equal opportunities problems the government have put in place policies and legislations which have an influence on the way public services operate, for example Sikh male police officers may wear a dark blue police turban with the badge of the forces visibly revealed upon it. Equal opportunities legislation such as the Equal Pay Act, the Sex Discrimination Act and the Race Relations Act has essentially changed the way the services cooperate with their officers and the public.

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Civilianisation – is a process where public service officers are released from doing repetitive administrative work and instead can concentrate on the job they were trained to do. This is really effective as employing civilians on non-operational duties is very cheap and doesn’t require specialist expertise or training.

Environment - The environment is a very worrying issue disturbing all parts of public life as we are constantly harming the environment with our actions. The government will have no choice but to to tackle the environmental problems that face us as a society and so the public services are ...

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3 Stars. This piece of work is thorough and well organised, and in places chooses relevant, well-explained examples to support its points. The quality of the written communication is good, and strong, thorough subject knowledge is demonstrated. Where the essay could be improved is by explicitly focusing on the question. This is achieved by regularly making reference to it throughout the answer, evaluating the points and how they contribute towards the argument. I also feel the question follows quite a narrow definition of public services - what about hospitals, schools etc?