In 1957 the Common

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In 1957 the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) was outlined by the then six member states. The main reason for the Common Agricultural policy was to make Agriculture a self sufficient entity in The European Union.

The six member states of the European Union proposed to do this by creating a stable market for agricultural produce and at the same time keeping prices at an affordable level for consumers.

The heads of the European Union (E.U) believed that Agriculture was one of the most significant industries within the E.U; .and as a result agreed that special attention needed to be focused on this area of European policy. “When the nations of Europe got together in the late 1950’s, agriculture was important to their economies and even more important to their culture and societies” (Wyn, G. 1997 pg6)

The common Agricultural policy which was finally agreed upon in 1962 and fully implemented in 1967 is to date the most fully integrated area in European policy. “Agricultural policy is the E.U’s most elaborate policy area and has always been the focus of interest” (Molle, Willem. T. M. 2001 pg 222)

In summary the Common Agricultural policy had five main aims these were to

  • Increase Agricultural productivity
  • Ensure a fair standard of living for Farmers.
  • Stabilise agricultural markets.
  • Guarantee regular supplies of food.
  • Ensure reasonable prices for consumers.

(Dinan, Desmond 1994 pg 326)

The Common Agricultural policy replaced the systems in each of the nation states and the “guiding principals were (and are)

  • A single market-agricultural produce should be able to move freely throughout the community.
  • Community preference- priority should be given to E.C produce over that of other countries.
  • Financial Solidarity- the cost of the policy should be borne by the community rather than by the individual member states”

(Dinan, Desmond 1994 pg 326)

In general the Common Agricultural Policy has been a success but since its beginning it has been steeped in controversy and a subject of criticism and debate within and indeed outside the E.U.

In this paper I will look in detail at the Common Agricultural Policy and then I will examine the controversy associated with the policy. I will look at the steps taken by the E.U to counteract this controversy and whether or not the controversy is likely to continue in the future.

The common agricultural policy is funded by means of the European Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee fund (EAGGF) this fund amounts for almost half of the E.U budget. The EAGGF incorporates two basic areas which are support and guidance, support of prices and markets and to guide rural development. (Nugnet, N. 2003)

At the onset of Cap it was thought that revenue generated from import levies would finance the EAGGF but due to the unforeseen and indeed rapid increase in agricultural produce within the E.U and therefore a reduction in imports this has not been the case and the financial burden has fallen on to national governments, however in recent years the E.U has decided to rely on its own resources for the funding of EAGGF. (EL Agrai, Ali. M. 2001)

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The area of support within the EAGGF ensures that farmers have a market for their goods setting prices which allows farmers to have a standard of living equal to that of those working within other sectors of the economy. As well as this the setting of prices ensures that goods remain at a reasonable price that makes them affordable to E.U consumers. In saying this while the prices were deemed to be affordable but because one of the primary aims of Cap was to sustain agriculture as a viable industry the prices never dropped too low and this was a ...

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