The European society is what we can call a " low context culture" where clear communication through verbal communication though cultures such as the southeast Asian one prefers non verbal communication.

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Theoretical part

Low and high context cultures

The European society is what we can call a “ low context culture” where clear communication through verbal communication though cultures such as the southeast Asian one prefers non verbal communication. One aspect of this is the European society overtly displays meanings through direct communication forms though the Asian one is more suggested through indirect forms. Thus, though the Asian will ask something through a non direct sentence to be more polite, the European might ask it directly, which can be rude. In the context of cross cultural management, this issue often creates misunderstandings between managers and subordinates but also between departments, which may trigger problems of communication in the whole organization. On the contrary, a society that values direct verbal interaction is less able to read nonverbal expressions. Therefore, it sets up a more bureaucratic organization where every decisions have to be confirmed and any innovations agreed.

The individual and the community

Moreover, the European society is far more individualistic compared to societies in Asia where the notion of community and family is very strong. It is revealed through the dream of being the “self-made man” who has succeeded by himself. This behavior produces dependent individualists and subordinates who do not want to participate but expect autocratic style. Therefore, in terms of management, it has direct impacts on issues such as the loyalty, obedience, team work and personal rewarding policy.


Then, Europe and in particular France has been mainly influenced by the Cartesian philosophy that emphasizes a linear logic. That is, everything should follow certain logic and not diverge from it. It has the advantages of being strict and thus is very helpful in terms of organization but might avoid innovation and open-mind ness because one will think another idea is false as soon as it does not respect that kind of logic.

The notion of time

The notion of time is much different in Asia and in Europe. In Asia, it is more seen as a circle where there is no real beginning neither end. The whole life is constructed around this principle and therefore, the behavior towards time is influenced. In countries like Viet Nam for example, there is no pressure from time existing and it often explains why they come late. On the contrary, in Europe, time is seen as linear, where what has been missed is lost. The factor of timing is very important in private life as well as in professional life.  Therefore, punctuality is a main criteria when assessing the seriousness of a person or a firm. When managing, time is of course playing a major role and the approach of time of European explains why they are they are not so patient since they always live under its pressure.

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In the European society, the firm is supposed to be a place of blooming, where people work but also have fun when working. Therefore, the question of sense of humor plays a role when judging its manager. This is a main characteristic in Europe to judge the capability of a leader to motivate its subordinates. Indeed, he has to be close to his subordinates in order to motivate them and sense of humor is often a common way to do it. For the same reason, a manager in Europe is preferred to be people-oriented. ...

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