There are four different types of authority these are: Y Authoritarian Y DictatorialY Consultative Y Participative I will now explain these different types of authority in detail

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Task 7:

"Identify and explain four types of authority"

There are four different types of authority these are:

? Authoritarian

? Dictatorial

? Consultative

? Participative

I will now explain these different types of authority in detail.


In this type of authority the leader tells the group what has to be done and how to go on about it. An appropriate way to use this is when you have all the information you require for the task (there is nothing to discuss) but you have time limitations. This way of leadership is excellent to achieve your result. It gives the leader total power, which would be useful in the armed forces for example where personnel need to get used to not question orders.

Positive and negative points about authoritarian:


? Can be effective in achieving task

? Improves discipline

? Time efficient


? Cause resentment

? Could miss good ideas

? Low morale


This type of authority comes from a dictator; this term is at times wrongly used to refer to someone who is bossy or arrogant as a leader. A dictator has an un-restrained authority over people.

Over history there have been many dictators such as, Augusto Pinochet, Sadam Hussein, Adolf Hitler, Stalin, or Mugabe.

Such a leader would have the right to change laws without consulting those who would later have to abide by these laws. Dictators cannot be removed from power through elections, which stops the dictator from having any fear of loosing power if they go too far out of line.

Power is maintained through imposing extreme fear upon its subjects.

Positive and negative points about dictatorial:


? Effective for the leader

? Discipline level is high

? Time efficient


? Cause muting

? Discipline through FEAR

? No morale

? Blind obedience

? Frowned upon

? Could lead to rebellion if taken too far


This type of leader will share suggestions and ideas with the group. This is useful as the leader will be getting ideas from the group, but may not actually take these on board.

It would be a little like:

"I'll listen to what you have to say, but the final decision is mine, regardless of what you think".

Positive and negative points about consultative:


? People get ideas across

? Idea development


? Confusion

? Not time effective

? Shared ideas are ignored

Participative (Democratic):

A democratic leader would take into account the groups opinion, authority is maintained as the leader has the say in what is actually done. But the fact that the final decision is influenced by the group's ideas improves the group's morale. Members of staff gain respect towards leader through this leadership style.
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This can be used when the leader doesn't have all the information on the task being carried out, and the rest of the group do. They can share the information each member of the group has and contribute to the final decisions. This could be useful in the police force for example. By using this style of authority peoples expertise and knowledge is taken into account resulting in god morale.

Positive and negative points about participative:


? Involves others in decisions

? No blind obedience

? Good morale


? ...

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