To What Extent Are The Wealthiest Pressure Groups The Most Successful Ones

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Ben Jacques

To What Extent Are The Wealthiest Pressure Groups The Most Successful Ones?

An elitist would say that the wealthiest pressure groups have the most power because they can afford to purchase political influence through a number of means, pluralists would disagree and say that pressure groups are successful because of their popular support and an impartial government. Wealth is not the only factor for pressure group success; other factors include numerical support, expertise, media support

Financial support brings success. Wealth allows pressure groups to use the media, lobbying and other tactics to their advantage to pressure the government. For example the CFI donates to over 80% of Tory MPs giving them significant influence within the current administration. The NSPCC has been able to fund advertisement campaigns with donations from their members. The Tax Payers Alliance is another example of a wealthy pressure group that is successful because of its wealth. The TPA has been able to gain significant influence with the Conservative government due to their wealth and several Tory MPs are members of the TPA. These are insider groups who have used their wealth to gain this status and therefore influence. An outsider group arguably needs even more funding to be successful for example Greenpeace's wealth has enabled them to bring the issue of the environment to near the top of the political agenda. The wealth of Greenpeace has allowed them to branch out in multiple ways to influence the public and government. Wealth brings the ability to lobby and influence the government as well as exploit the media to win over public support as well giving the wealthiest pressure groups a great advantage over others and brings high chances of success.

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Large numerical support is a factor for large pressure groups success. Large numbers in a pressure group lead to success. They can exert more pressure on the government because they can claim to represent public opinion.  For example the RSBP has a membership of over one million members which makes the government much more likely to listen to it as it is so large and for the government to ignore them could mean that they lose support from voters who are members of the pressure group. Another example would be the TUC who have about 7 million members, if they ...

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