To what extent do the Israelis and the Palestinians each have history on their Side?

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To what extent do the Israelis and the Palestinians each have history on their Side?

The question of who has a legitimate claim to the nation of Israel is one which has incited much violence, anger and debate in the 20th Century and will undoubtedly be a point of speculation for many years to come. Either side has attempted to use history as evidence to support their claim to nationhood, however inherent in the process of historical analysis of the situation, are the problems associated with the rich history of Arab Israeli conflict. The question of a legitimate historical claim is often settled by the side with the historical source which dates back further, or which source is more credible, a myopic interpretation of historical data could easily lend itself to the establishment of a historical claim to the land which is currently occupied by the people of Israel. In answering this question of legitimacy the origins of Israel and its modern history must be examined and contrasted with the laws of historical precdent.

The first element of determining either party’s historical claim to land is to examine the ancient history of the region of Palestine. Veritable evidence regarding the earliest settling of the Palestinian area begins at around 3,000 BC a people called the Canaanites, direct descendants of today’s Palestinian people, migrated from the Arabian Peninsula and settled in Palestine. “ The ancient Palestinians established several major cities including Ore-Salem or Yaboos (today known as Al Quds or Jerusalem)”. It was not until 1250 that the Israelites invaded Canaan. They became known as Hebrews, a word derived from an older word Hiberu meaning 'outsider' which was found in writings sent to Egypt at that time recording the entry of the Israelites into the land of Canaan. About the same time, a number of tribes were forced to leave the island of Crete because of invasion by the Greeks; they invaded the Palestinian coast and gained control of several cities such as Gaza, Haifa and Asqalan. The Palestinian interpretation of historical evidence would certainly indicate that the earliest evidence surrounding the question of legitimacy would prove that the Canaanites were the earliest people to establish a societal stronghold on today’s Israel, thus making the Palestinian people, by virtue of lineage, the party with the oldest historical claim to the land of Israel.

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Conversely, Israeli interpretations of historical sources would indicate that Ancient History indicates an Israeli right to ownership. According to Israeli interpretation the origins of the fight for Israel reach back before written history, meaning that the only useable source is the Bible, a religious document heavily clouded with bias and motivation for a pro Israeli interpretation. According to the Bible, Jews fled slavery in Egypt to the land of Canaan (modern day Israel) around 1300 BC. After years of warfare, the Canaanites were defeated and Jerusalem established under King David at approximately 1000 B.C. “Saul’s men on watch at Gibeah ...

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