UK Parliament - The Process of Turning a Bill Into a Law

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The Process of Turning a Bill Into a Law

The process of turning a bill into a law has 5 main steps, these are: the decision to legislate, preparation of the bill, clearance for introduction, parliamentary stages and royal assent.

The Decision to Legislate

During each session of parliament, the government has a legislative programme, this is a list/plan of the bills that they will ask Parliament to consider in the session (the period between elections is split into sessions each one lasting about a year. Each session, bills may be passed that aren’t part of that legislative programme. These could be emergency bills that are needed to deal with a specific problem that has arisen, like the coronavirus. If a government department has a bill proposal that it wants to include in the legislative programme for that session, they have to submit a bid for the bill to the PBL (Parliamentary Business and Legislation) Committee of the Cabinet. The PBL committee will consider the bids that have been submitted and recommend some provisional content of the programme to Cabinet.

Preparation of the Bill

When a bill gets a slot in the legislative programme, the related department will create a bill team to co-ordinate the preparation and passage through parliament. The policy officials then prepare policy instructions for the departmental lawyers which will, in turn, form the basis of instructions to the Office of Parliamentary Counsel to make a draft of the bill. Instructions will set out the background and explain the changes in the law that the bill might cause.

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The first draft of a clause or set of clauses is seldom the final word on that topic, and the drafting and commenting on them will continue until a reasonable and satisfying conclusion is reached.

Clearance for Introduction

Even if a bill has a slot in the legislative programme, it still can’t be introduced until a meeting of the PBL committee has cleared it for introduction.

The committee will consider several documents within the same meeting. Some of these will be pushed alongside the bill. Others, like the department’s Parliamentary Handling Strategy and its assessment of the ...

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