Using your own examples, discuss whether Nationalism (nation states) is a better way forward than super-nations.

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Using your own examples, discuss whether Nationalism  (nation states) is a better way forward than super-nations.

Nationalism is the feeling that the people of a country all belong together and are different from the peoples of other countries. Examples of nationalism could be the break up of Yugoslavia from Russia, Scotland from England, otherwise stated as devolution.

In exploring the term “nation states”, we must take each word separately. A “nation” is a group of people whose members believe that the culture they share expressed through language, religion etc. binds them together in a way that makes them different and distinct from other peoples. A “state” may also be seen as a territory, controlled by a government.

A nationalist believes that the peoples of the world are made up of distinct nations, each of which ought to have its own state. Therefore, ideally, all states should be “nation states”. However, for most of history, this has certainly not been the case. The most powerful states up to now have been empires or kingdoms. An example of states coming together to form a nation state could be Italy, 1789 around the time of the French Revolution. For many years, Italy was divided into dozens of separate states. Italians did not think of themselves as Italians but as belonging to a city or region. However, around 1789 these separate states united together to form a nation state.

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A nationalist believes that the human race naturally consists of nations. These nations can be known by features that their members share, such as race, language or religion. The only rightful form of government is self-determination.

Creating a nation state can be done in many ways, and not just by the ways of Italy, 1789 (unifying an existing nation into a single state). Another way to achieve a nation state is for a nation to break away from an existing multinational state, such as the case of Greece, 1821-1833. Greece fought for independence from Ottoman Turkish rule. ...

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