"What are the main strengths and weaknesses of Marxist histories"?

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Matt Eagles

"What are the main strengths and weaknesses of Marxist histories"?

Marxist theories ultimately have their ambitions set upon social upheaval of

whatever current system of governance is in place and the replacing of it with

the idea of Communism. At the fulcrum of these Marxist theories is the

concept of class struggle throughout history.

"The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles."

(Communist Manifesto)

An immediate potential weakness within the Marxist school of thought could

be the apparent cynicism that is apparent throughout. To grasp the idea that

man is no more in control of his existence and circumstances is a daunting

and uneasy way of approaching the interpretation of history.

"It is not the consciousness of men that determines their existence, but, on the

contrary, their social existence that determines their consciousness."

(Marx, in the Preface to A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy.)

However the driving force of Marxist histories is derived from the question of

class struggle and in particular that Marx emphasized the forthcoming clash

between the development of material life and the superstructure it exists

within and stabilizes. Marx illustrated his ideas most prominently by the

example of capitalism supressing the proletariat and by the prediction of the

development of socialism, and ultimately communism from capitalism. This

theory of evolving methods of ideals was adopted by marx after the study of

Georg Hegel one of Marx's predeccesors and inspirations. Hegel adopted a

theory of dialectics although never coining the term himself, where there is a

thesis poised against its antithesis; for example the thesis being the French

Monarchy in the 19th Century, the antithesis being the revolutionary forces

combined with Rousseau or Diderot, the resulting clash and lack of room for

progress results in the synthesis and in this case Napolean. A full revolution

of events and transference of power occurs and after which there is an

element of stability regained. Marxist dialectic goal was the eventual
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progression towards the synthesis emerging as total socialism or

communism.Marx used Hegel's ideas and applied them to classes of people

throughout history. Any ruling class controlled the "means of production"

which gave them wealth and power to rule. Whenever a new method of

production occurred, there was conflict between the older ruling class and a

newer class using the newer and superior means of production. An example

is how the Businessman and his money destroyed the power of the old

Aristocracy based on land ...

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