WHAT ARE TRADE UNIONS FOR? A trade union is an organisation whose purpose is to protect and improve the position of its members at work. A trade union must be independent of the employer. Most trade unions are affiliated to the Trade Unions Congress (TUC), and in N. Ireland to the Irish Congress of Trade Unions. These are umbrella organisations which co-ordinate various inter-union activities, for example, trade union education and campaigning on proposed legislation.People want their trade unions to negotiating agreements with the employer on terms and conditions, for example, on pay, holidays, occupational pensions and general working conditions. Without the powerful voice of a trade union many employees would be easily taken advantage of in their workplace. People would also want monitoring of the employer's legal responsibility for health and safety at work. In an absence of this procedure an employer may cut down on costs by using dangerous machinery / equipment. This would put a large risk of injury on the employee, which may not be fully covered by their insurance. If a person did obtain an injury in their workplace they would want advice and negotiation on benefits
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