What is meant by the Clash of Civilisations? What criticisms can be made of Huntingtons thesis and to what extent would you regard them as valid?

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What is meant by the Clash of Civilisations? What criticisms can be made of Huntington’s thesis and to what extent would you regard them as valid?

“The Clash of Civilisations” a term given by Samuel Huntington to explain thesis about “a new phase” in world politics after the end of the cold war, in which he argues that the greatest divisions among humankind will be between “Islam” and “Western” cultures. Huntington agreed with Fukuyama that the age of ideology has come to the end but he did not believe in “end of history”, arguing that all countries will not accept “liberal democracy and free-trade system”. His belief was that now there would be cultural and religious conflicts, as in the past: “the fault lines between civilizations will be the battle lines of the future”.

Huntington divided the world into the “major civilizations” – this included Western; Islamic; Japan; Hindu etc.

In order to prove his positions he argues that the break up of Yugoslavia; Wars in Chechnya; India and Pakistan conflict and 9/11 clearly show the support of his Clash of Civilization ideas.  In his eyes, the emergence of new smaller states and the wars between them show the cultural conflict as well as religious one. Wars in Chechnya, he believes, could be seen as “Jihad Wars” thus Chechens fighting for the Islamic state with Sharia law which, he assumes, will be hostile to the western “universal norms”. Moreover Pakistani-Indian conflict could be seen as religious conflict between Hindu and Muslims thus showing the Clash between Hindu and Islamic civilizations.  9/11 is an obvious example of Western-Islamic conflict started by Muslim extremists who condemn any of Western principles of human rights and liberal democracy.

However there are some counter-arguments against these points. Firstly small states that emerged after the collapse of Yugoslavia probably can’t be seen as, even at least, representatives of Civilization not being that important on global scale. Thus those conflicts, it could be argued, may be regarded as local ones without links to any great wars. Moreover, Chechen wars can be seen more as separatist wars. No religious concern is being proposed [at the time of emergence of Huntington’s thesis, although it is the matter nowadays]. Therefore there is no conflict between civilizations and only the local conflict in which Chechens desire independent state from Russia. To support further, we can argue, Basks separatists or the IRA are not seen as part of different Civilization and so their separatist attempts are not seen as the wars of two civilizations in the Spain or UK but only as local conflict. Furthermore Pakistani – Indian conflict may be seen as conflict between two neighbour states. As it usually is neighbour states are hostile to each other whenever one side improves one of, perhaps, military aspects of itself. Also, Pakistani-Indian conflict arouse because of Kashmir territory thus showing that there is no religious or cultural conflict between two states. And finally, the 9/11 terror attack cannot be seen (emphasised strongly by Edward Said) as Islamic attack on the West as few religious “crazed fanatics” cannot represent whole religious community or civilization thus arguing that any “Clash of civilizations” is a myth.

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Moreover, he also states that the West continued emphasis on democracy, freedom, human rights and other such “universal norms: will only further antagonize other civilizations, for example, Bush’s desire to establish “beacons of democracy: throughout the Middle-East – beginning with Iraq.

Moreover, he argued the Sinic civilization is culturally exerting itself and its values relative to the West – due to its rapid economic growth. He believes the rise of China will present a huge challenge to the West and is the most powerful and long-term threat to the west.

        Also, he emphasised the “Islamic Revolution” which took pace ...

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