Why did the New Liberals attach so much importance to the reform of social welfare provision?

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Alex Shawcross                26/10/03

Why did the New Liberals attach so much importance to the reform of social welfare provision?

A variety of ideological, social, economic and political factors came together towards the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries that stimulated an unprecedented reform of social welfare provision. Policies were spearheaded by a wilful phalanx of radicals within the Liberal Party after their 1906 election victory. The Ministry’s reforms included old age pensions (1908), established labour exchanges (1909), trade boards (1909), a National Insurance scheme covering sickness, invalidity and unemployment (1911) and a Miners’ Minimum Wages Act (1912). In the era of early 20th century mass politics feeling grew that the party who did not champion the importance of social reform would lose out to those that did. The largely enfranchised working class were increasingly deemed to be living in conditions that were unacceptable to them and ‘New’ Liberals humanitarian principles. Economically Britain was facing competition from Germany and the USA, chiefly in terms of a productivity gap that was in part caused by the country’s inability to resolve problems of ‘National Efficiency’. Germany had an impressive welfare system already that centred on keeping the work force and her armies healthy. Ideologically ‘New’ Liberalists of the late 19th century were reconsidering the meanings of Liberalism in light of the above problems while their party had concerns as to how to deal with the politicisation of the labour movement.

19th century pillars of liberalism centred on the rights of the individual. The Liberal party of Gladstone was traditionally one of select reform and championed religious, legal and political freedom. The prevailing view dictated that industrial advance and free market capitalism alone would alleviate social ills. While this seemed plausible in the 1850s or 60s it was not credible come the 1880s. The ‘New’ Liberals, ideas were born out of this realisation that market forces on their own were not enough or at best they were too slow. Revisions emerged in the late 19th century out of Classical Liberalist principles that the hindrance on a person’s freedom was now largely social and economic in nature. T.H. Green, an Oxford philosopher and tutor of Asquith spoke of the individual, “how can he be free if he is free to starve?” and on the issue of defining freedom, in his essays on Liberal Legislation and Freedom of Contract, ‘[‘Freedom’ is not] merely freedom from constraint or compulsion. We do not mean merely freedom to do as we like irrespective of what it is that we like…..When we speak of freedom…we mean a positive power or capacity of doing something worth doing or enjoying and that too, something that we do or enjoy in common with others’. A man could not be truly free unless he was free of economic distress, even if this freedom would result in an erosion of strictly Classical Liberalist definitions of the term. Green and other ‘New’ Liberalists moved sharply away from the orthodox ideal that a person should take care of their own healthcare, education, children and old age. In its place choice should become collectivised. Freedom would be positive in that the state would not just remove restrictions but aid individuals by taking a proportion of their resources, or progressively redistribute the resources of the rich to that of the poor. ‘New’ Liberals would be reallocating it for higher ends that individuals could not hope to realise themselves for they could only waste it on lesser and subjective ends.

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Oxford Philosophers, while unable to dictate social policy, did highlight how far established principles could be developed from their origins. Support for the importance of the reform of social welfare provision gained pace as quantified facts backed up academics theory. The dismal reports of Charles Booth and Seebohm Rowntree highlighted the dire state of affairs in London and York. They and others concluded that poverty stemmed from old age, low wages, large families and a poor working or living environment as opposed to the personal character of the working class people. Their ability to use legal freedoms granted by ...

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