After the Tories got into power, inflation had been brought down to less than 4%, Mrs. Thatcher won the Falklands War, and that increased her popularity. Meanwhile, the Labour party had Michael Food as its leader, he introduced a radical swing to the left and his policies led to a party split.
The campaign prior to the 1983 elections was characterised by the triumphs the Tories had achieved with the privatisation policies such as British Aerospace and the National Freight Consortium, in their manifesto they assured a radical reform in Trade Unions, to introduce policies to reduce unemployment and tax and to focus on defence and economic prosperity.
On the other hand, the labour manifesto included a promise for the total abolition of the House of Lords, and the end of the Common Market for England among other socialist policies. “From the first day of the campaign to the last, the Tories remained at the top of the opinion polls.” (Thatcher’s web). In 1983 the conservatives won the elections again with a vast majority, they got 397 seats to the 209 that Labour got. “Margaret Thatcher’s second victory in 1983 was one of the most decisive in the post-war Britain” (BBC website). Now, Mrs. Thacher had the support to introduce her radical economic agenda.
The Thatcher’s government was “committed to shift the balance from the state and collectivism values to market forces and individualism. Although it took a decade to reduce state spending as a share of GNP from the 1979 level.” (Kavanagh, British Politics, 2000, pg. 169). The Prime Minister also believed in reducing government spending and taxation, social authoritarianism that included respect for authority and a firm stand in law and order as well as in strong defence. She increased the number of police officers and their pay and she had an assertive foreign policy, she was more in favour to attach to the United States than she was to join the European Community.
From 1983 to 1990 the Conservative Party continued its “thacherist” policies after wining the elections again in 1987. The end of thatcherism arrived when “Mrs Thatcher had failed to roll back the state. Public expenditure remained stubbornly resistant, because cuts were swamped by rising costs from unemployment” (ed. Nick Tiratsoo, From Blitz to Blair, 1997, pg. 198), and when surveys found that the British public did not trust the Conservatives as they had before, and that the voters suspected that public services of health and education were going to be privatised. As a consequence, in 1989, Peter Lilley, the deputy leader of the party declared that the Conservatives did not have any intention of privatising the public services and that they would be safe in their hands, trying to assure the voters.
For the following elections in 1992, John Major was the leader of the party and the one that became Prime Minister. At the same time, Smith was elected as leader of the Labour party until he died two years afterwards. Tony Blair took his place.
Following this, when Tony Blair had got into the leadership of what he called New Labour, the party was gaining popularity with the voters because of the reforms done to the ideologies of the party. Tony Blair believed “that the party had not adapted sufficiently rapidly or wholeheartedly to new social, and economic realities” (ed. Murphy, D. Britain 1914-2000, pg. 305). The growing acceptance of the ideas of social and economic equality which were one of the party’s ideologies; championing the working class, minorities and underprivileged, state provision of health, housing and education; or state ownership and nationalisation of key industries, were giving the party more acceptance within the voters. The New Labour, that as Tony Blair says is “in favour of what works and that includes policies of Thatcher and Major” (Kavanagh, British Politics, 2000 pg. 148) had performed a radical change in its policies, it had modernised rapidly with Tony Blair. The Clause Four of the party’s constitution was rewritten in order “to demonstrate economic competence and gain the confidence of business if it was to win a general election. Blair calls this a Third Way (Giddens 2000) because it combines the best of the left and the right into a new synthesis.” (Kavanagh, British Politics, 2000, pg. 148). The party was not promising a radical change in the economy and in the New Labour, New Britain manifesto in 1997, they included that the party was not going to increase taxes, it was stressed that “we are pledged not to raise the basic or top rates of income tax throughout the next Parliament” (ed. Murphy, D., Britain 1914-2000, pg. 306).
The improvements in the electoral program that New Labour had introduced, and the fact that they addressed as well to the floating voters made the population gain their trust in the party again. The dramatic change of the at one time radical socialist party, defendant of the unions, moving drastically to the right, left the British a bit confused but more their opponents. The fact that the New Labour was taking the best of both worlds (left and right) and was giving the party enough strength and confidence to keep convincing people that they were the future. And in 1997 New Labour, with Tony Blair as a leader, won the elections by a vast majority. Tony Blair said on the morning following the elections: “The size of our likely majority now imposes a special sort of responsibility on us. We have been elected as New Labour and we will govern as New Labour” (CNN website).
When the Conservatives won power in 1979 they changed the situation of the country radically. Thatcher’s policies revolutionised the economic and politic systems. She was the first female Prime Minister in Europe. Her ideologies were welcomed and in 1983 she won the elections again and introduced for the following office a more radical agenda. Margaret Thatcher stayed in power until 1989 when John Mayor stepped on the leadership fearing that people did not support Thatcherism anymore, especially the privatisation of public services such as health and education. Meanwhile, the Labour party with its radical socialist policies did not gain the necessary support from the British until Tony Blair got into the leadership and transformed the party introducing right wing ideologies and moving out from the left wing and far from the unions. The New Labour won the elections in 1997, which was really significant because they had not been in power for 18 years and they had won by a vast majority. This confirmed that the British did not believe in the Conservatives any more and that they had placed their hopes in the New Labour, which had left and right wing policies covering, in this way, most of the needs of the economy and politic matters.
- Thatcher’s website, Accessed in April 2002
Accessed in April 2002
Accessed in April 2002
From Blitz to Blair, Nick Tiratsoo, 1997, page 193, 198
British Politics, Kavanagh, 2000, page. 169,148
Britain 1914-2000, ed. Murphy, D., page 305, 306
Waiting for Labour, Panorama program on Channel 4