AS Psychology memory revision notes

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Multi-store model


By ATKINSON AND SHIFFRIN. They said memory consisted of three distinctive components: SENSORY STORE, STM AND LTM. Information travels in a FIXED SEQUENCE. Information enter the sensory store first-consists of 5 stores for each sense. ATTENTION is needed for information to be TRANSFERRED FROM SENSORY STORE TO STM.  STM can only hold a LIMITED capacity of information (5-9 ITEMS) for a brief time (ABOUT 20 SECONDS) and encodes information ACOUSTICALLY. LTM has an UNLIMITED capacity, and has an INDEFINITE DURATION (could last from a few minutes up to a lifetime) and encodes information SEMANTICALLY (via meaning). Information has to be REHEARSED in order to travel from STM to LTM. FORGETTING can occur at ANY STAGE.



The tendency for people to remember the first set of words in a list supports the Multi-Store model as the first set of words are likely to have been transferred into the LTM as they would have been rehearsed. The last sets of words are likely to be circulating around the STM and so P’s would be likely to recall them than middle words. This supports the idea that there are distinct stores within Memory.


He had brain surgery and his STM was impaired. He was no longer able to make new LTM entries. This supports the Multi-Store model as it suggests that in order to create LTM you need to go through the STM; and as Clive Wearing’s STM is impaired this is not possible.

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Atkinson suggested whether rehearsal is important, for instance as there are cases where we do not need to recall information in order for it to be transferred to LTM. Flash Bulb Memories which suggest that when emotions are attached, we are more likely to remember the event.


Baddeley and Hitch argued that the Multi-Store model was too basic and suggested that the STM consisted of sub-parts (e.g. central executive, visuo-spatial etc.)  as opposed to being a unitary system.


The Multi-Store model cannot explain why KF who had his STM impaired was still ...

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