Compare 2 models of abnormal behaviour in terms of their views on the causes of abnormal behaviour. Evaluate whether any single model is adequate to explain and treat all instances of abnormality.

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Kate North                Psychology

‘Abnormal behaviour never has a single cause’

Compare 2 models of abnormal behaviour in terms of their views on the causes of abnormal behaviour. Evaluate whether any single model is adequate to explain and treat all instances of abnormality.

The “Biological” model represents the mainstream views of psychiatry. Its theory is that all mental disorders are genetic. The “Cognitive” model’s theory is that mental disorders are a result of disordered thinking. Two different models with very different explanations for the same thing.

The “Biological” theory says that mental disorders are like physical disorders. This model is call “Medical” because it suggests that mental illness should be diagnosed in the same way as physical disease is diagnosed. Mental disorders represented as mental illnesses. These illnesses may be caused by one of four possible factors

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  • Genes
  • Bio-chemical substances
  • Neuroanatomy
  • Micro organisms

It also says that it can be genetic, passed from parent to child. Cure is only possible by removing by removing the root cause and returning the body to its ‘normal’ level of functioning.

The “Cognitive” model says that the issue is not the problem itself but the way you think about it. Irrational and faulty thinking prevents the individual behaving adaptively. An example of faulty thinking includes maladaptive assumptions about oneself and upsetting thoughts. These thoughts and feelings can often lead to failure and depression. Such distortions in ...

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Overall, this is a reasonable essay with good selection of material and a broadly successful comparative structure, but it fails to develop the comparisons, evaluations, commentary and conclusion effectively. So 3 stars.