Describe and evaluate the multi store model of memory

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Describe and evaluate the multi store model of memory

The multi-store model was developed by Shiffrin and Atkinson in 1968, it explains how information flows from one storage system to another, with three permanent structures in memory (sensory memory, short term memory, and long term memory).

The sensory memory receives information from our senses, the information that we gain only lasts about ¼ of a second but If it is paid attention to then it will pass on to the short term memory.

Short term memory is an active memory system containing information currently being thought about. It is a temporary storage of information received from the Sensory memory. Encoding in the short term memory (how we process the information) is mainly acoustic and based on sounds. Baddeley completed a research study that found acoustically similar words were more difficult to recall than words which were acoustically different.

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The capacity of the short term memory (the amount of information that can be held) is 7+/- 2. It has a limited capacity and we can only hold a small amount of information before it is forgotten, although capacity is increased through chunking where the size of the units of information in memory is increased.  The evidence for this was Jacobs, who gave participants increasingly longer lists of either letters or numbers, finding capacity for numbers was nine items and for letters was seven items.

The duration of the short term memory (how long the information lasts) is usually ...

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