Discuss research into Biological Rhythms.

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       Discuss research into Biological rhythms

(Circadian and Ultradian)

The Circadian rhythm lasts for 24 hours, during which humans demonstrate a series of bodily changes including body temperature, respiration and metabolism. The cycle that psychologists are most interested in is the ‘sleep/wake cycle. Bodily rhythms appear to show a similar pattern for people with different lifestyles, so it seems these rhythms are a result of nature rather than nurture (our upbringing).

Psychologists are interested in finding out whether they cycles are indeed natural or whether they rely on external cues from the environment…

To test this Aschoff and Wever (1962) studied a number of volunteers that agreed to spend time isolated from the outside world in a disused WWII bunker in Munich – after a month of isolation from external cues (zeitgebers) they adopted a 25 hour cycle. Siffre took part in a similar study but in this research he was the only participant. He spent six months in a cave with low light conditions. The findings were that the sleep/wake cycle gradually settled down to 25 hours. Siffre carried out a few more experiments like this for shorter periods of time but still found the same results…

From these two pieces of research two suggestions arise:

There must be an endogenous pacemaker in control of the Circadian rhythm, since even in the absence of external cues we are able to maintain a regular daily cycle.

There must be exogenous cues (environmental factors) also known as zeitgebers that keeps this cycle to 24 hours – this is an explanation for why we adopt a 24.5 or 25 hour cycle during isolation.  

Although the results of Siffre’s study are supported by Aschoff’s study there is still the major problem of artificiality as it was carried out in a laboratory, so both studies lack ecological validity. Also in Siffre’s study there was only one participant so difficult to generalise results for the rest of the population.  In addition there were some underlining ethical issues as Siffre said he’d experienced mild depression and some suicidal thoughts during the study. Czeisler challenged these studies due to the use of artificial light and claimed bright lights could reset the body clock. A strength of these studies is that it provided evidence to show that the human body does indeed have an internal body clock as the participants knew when to sleep, wake, and when to eat.

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Miles et al’s study of a blind man found that a man blind from birth had a circadian rhythm of 24.9 hours. He has to use stimulants and sedative to adjust his sleep/wake cycle to the standard 24 hours. This is in support of a endogenous pacemaker as the research shows that his innate biological rhythm was difficult to reset with the use of zeitgebers such as clocks and radios. These results are difficult to generalise as the man was blind so may not be applicable to those who can see and whose body clocks may have been influenced by ...

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Summary The writer has covered quite a lot in this short essay. They have also included quite a lot of relevant studies. The score however, is not as high as it could be because of the writing style. Some of the explanations are too brief and the writer moves quickly on from one point to another.The essay seems rather crammed as a result. The writer needs to pay more attention to detail and improve their writing style in order to get a higher score. Star rating 3*