Discuss research into conformity - notes on Jenness, Asch , Perrin and Spencer.

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Discuss research into conformity (12 marks)

  • Conformity is yielding to group pressures.
  •  There are two types of conformity such as compliance and internalization.
  • Compliance is when you conform to the group but privately maintain your own view.
  • Internalization is when you conform to the group but privately change your views to match those of the group.

There have been many experiments in psychology investigating conformity and group pressure such as jenness.

  • Jenness was the first to study conformity.
  • His experiment was an ambiguous situation involving glass beans.
  • He asked participants individually to estimate how many beans were in the bottle and then put the group in the room with the bottle and asked them to provide a group estimate.
  • Participants were then asked to estimate the number again on their own to see if their original estimate had changed on the influence of the majority.  
  • Almost all changed their individual guesses to be closer to their group estimate.
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  1. lacks ecological validity as it can’t be generalized to real life.
  2. It is easy to replicate however so it’s a reliable study.

Ethical issues

  1. deception
  2.  informed consent.


  • Devised a perceptual line judgement task which is also known as the Asch Paradigm where participants had to indicate which three of the comparison lines matched the standard line.
  • There was 123 male students which were placed in groups of 7-9 and were seated around a large table.
  • All but one of the students were confederates.
  • The ...

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