Discuss research into one factor which affects eyewitness testimony

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Steven Truong

Discuss research into one factor which affects EWT (12 marks)

Eyewitness testimony is the evidence given in court or in police investigations by someone who has witnessed a crime or an accident.

Misinformation is a factor which can affect eyewitness testimony. The exposure to misleading information after the encoding of the event causes distortion in memory recall, this occurs when information presented later interferes with the ability to retain previously encoded information and displacement happens where the old encoded information is replaced with the new misleading information. This questions the reliability of eyewitness testimony.

Loftus in 1975 did a study which aimed to discover the influence of misleading information on eye-witness testimony. 150 participants were shown a film then divided into 2 groups. Group 1 (the control group) were asked 10 questions which were consistent with the original film whereas Group 2 (the experimental group) were asked the same questions apart from 1 question which was ‘How fast was the white sports car going when it passed the barn?’. This was a misleading question as it suggested that there was a barn in the film, even though there wasn’t one (misinformation). A week later both groups were asked ‘did you see the barn?’ 17% of the experimental group reported seeing a barn in the original film but only 3% of the control group made this error.

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For those in the experimental group, it is likely that they formed an image of a barn, which over time became implanted into their mental representation of what they had actually seen in the film. This study shows that misleading information can alter the mental representation a witness has of an event, consequentially reducing their accuracy. However this study could be criticised as it was a lab experiment so it was an artificial task as it used a realistic video footage so the participants knew they had to pay attention. It lacks ecological validity due to the use of ...

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