Discuss the nature of sleep, including two explanations of the functions of sleep

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Discuss the nature of sleep, including two explanations of the functions of sleep The restoration theory of sleep involves sleeping to recover, repair and to grow. Oswald stated that REM sleep is needed to replenish neurotransmitters in the brain and help the brain recover, while NREM sleep is used to restore bodily processes and functions. Oswald also said that sleep restores energy, removes waste from the body and repairs cells. There is a lot of empirical evidence to support this, for example babies undergo far more REM sleep compared to an adult – this can be explained because of the amount of energy a growing brain requires due to increased protein synthesis for cellular growth; this study has high ecological validity because it is a naturalistic experiment and it can
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also be generalised to all babies as they all undergo large amounts of REM sleep. Most human growth hormone is released during the first stages of sleep; this supports the restoration theory as growth hormone is necessary for growth and repair, however despite a correlation we cannot imply cause and effect, that the burst of growth hormone is related to restoration functions in sleep. Another source of empirical evidence is that people who have damaged their brain in cases such as drug overdoses, spend longer in REM sleep which supports the theory that REM sleep is when the brain recovers ...

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This ends with a reasonable point. The essay lacks any kind of conclusion that would draw together the first and second half and reach a decision on which theory of sleep is most likely to be accepted. A conclusion might state that some kind of combination of the three explanations would be more useful - that we sleep to conserve energy during crucial restoration processes, and that this has the added benefit of keeping us out of harm's way. This essay doesn't really yscrape under the surface of why we sleep, so 3 stars.