Discuss the relationship between sexual selection and human reproduction

Discuss the relationship between sexual selection and human reproduction
Sexual selection refers to an animal being selected for reproduction due to certain physical characteristics; however these characteristics are purely to attract a mate and are not to aid survival. According to the evolutionary theory humans are pre-programmed to reproduce to increase our inclusive fitness. Therefore when choosing a reproductive partner human’s will seek to ensure successful mating with the aim to produce the fittest off spring possible. It is thought that when selecting a mate human’s like animals may be attracted to certain physical features of the opposite sex. There are differences between what men and women look for. Men look for women who show youthful characteristics as youthfulness indicates increased fertility. Because men have unlimited fertility they do not have to be ‘choosy’ with the women they decide to mate with because they do not have to be careful about wasting their resources. This then means there only aim is to increase their inclusive fitness. Unlike men women have to be ‘choosy’ with the men they decide to mate with because they have limited eggs and therefore must make sure that they choose a man with the healthy genes to insure that the child has increased chances of survival. Women also have to invest more in the child as they have to endure pregnancy and after birth care such as breastfeeding. Therefore there main goal is not to increase inclusive fitness but finding a man that will provide enough resources to aid the survival of her and the child. This is often a man with wealth and statues.