Discuss the relationship between sexual selection and human reproductive behaviour

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Discuss the relationship between sexual selection and human reproductive behaviour (8+16 marks)


According to evolutionary psychologists, sexual selection is the choice of characteristics to increase reproductive success. There are two forms of sexual selection; these are inter-sexual selection and intra sexual selection. Inter-sexual selection, also known as ‘mate choice’ is a behaviour seen between sexes to ensure reproductive success. In inter-sexual selection a mate is chosen due to the individual possessing a desired characteristic for reproduction, e.g. a male may pick a female partner with wide hips due to wide hips being associated with successive child birth and a female may pick a male partner with a well-paying job as the man will be able to provide for her offspring.

Intra-sexual selection is the competition within mates, usually males, to ensure that there are successful in passing on their genes for example, today this may involve men competing for a higher paid job in order to be resourceful to women.
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These strategies of both inter-sexual reproduction and intra-sexual reproduction are all in order to enhance reproductive success which is defined as the ability and number of your offspring that are able survive and reproduce themselves.

According to evolutionary psychologists this process of sexual selection and desire of reproductive success has led to characteristics of reproductive behaviour seen today. For example, due to sexual selection and the desire to reproduce successfully men are more promiscuous as they strive to successfully pass on their genes. However women due to sexual selection and the desire to reproduce successfully are ...

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