Discussion - From the analysis of the results, it clarifies that the outcome of the investigation showed that the labels given influenced the participants and so this affected the way the participants drew it from memory.

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From the analysis of the results, it clarifies that the outcome of the investigation showed that the labels given influenced the participants and so this affected the way the participants drew it from memory. These results gained were similar to Carmichael et al.’s  (1932) study, which was mentioned in the introduction. The findings of this study were that the participant’s drawings were much more like the verbal description than the original stimulus figures had been. So as the investigation completed has gained similar results to that of Carmichael’s it can be stated that this probably happened because the participants found it easier to rely on those labels when remembering. If it had been essential to remember the drawings accurately the participants might have used more demanding processing strategies.

From the data analysis, it clearly proves the experimental hypothesis ‘Interpretation of an ambiguous figure will be influenced by how it is labelled and recall will be better in females than males’ correct. The graph of average results show that females scored significantly higher than males. (See results for graph). Moreover, the graph comparing the average scores in each condition also show that females scored higher than males (see appendix for graph). Also the results clearly show that both males and females scored the highest is condition A compared to condition B. This could have been due to condition A having more straightforward labels compared to that of the labels in condition B.

Now referring to the statistical test completed for males and females, the calculated value was 11.5 and 10.5 and the critical value for Mann Whitney U was 2. The two calculated values are higher than the critical value and so the null hypothesis ‘There will be no difference in the interpretation of an ambiguous figure by the influence of a label and there will be no differences between genders.’ is accepted (refer to appendix VI for statistical calculations).

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So therefore from the data analysis the results clearly show that females were better at label and recall than males and scored higher averages. For condition A females scored an average of 32 whereas males scored only 11. This too is the same for condition B where females obtained an average score of 21 compared to the male score of 9. This clearly proves the experimental hypothesis ‘Interpretation of an ambiguous figure will be influenced by how it is labelled and recall will be better in females than males.’ However the statistical analysis calculated that the null hypothesis was to ...

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