Evaluate one or more explanations for sleeping disorders

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Outline one or more explanations for sleep disorders 4

        A common sleep disorder is primary insomnia, an inability to sleep which cannot be explained by any underlying medical condition. One explanation for primary insomnia is that the body is in a state of hyper arousal. In order to fall asleep the brain and body must enter a state of relaxation. If a person is in a state of extreme anxiety then this is clearly incompatible with the way they need to be in order to sleep. Normally the brain is calmed down by the neurotransmitter GABA which reduces the levels of stress hormones in the brain, however if there is an insufficient production of GABA the brain will be unable to reduce it’s activity and so will be in a constant state of arousal, potentially leading to insomnia. A second explanation for primary insomnia is that certain personality types may be more susceptible to insomnia than others; people who are highly neurotic, meaning they become stressed and anxious easily, leading to a state of constant arousal, could be more likely to suffer from insomnia. A final explanation of primary insomnia is that there is a genetic predisposition to suffer from insomnia, many first degree relatives suffer from insomnia suggesting that there is a genetic component in the acquisition and suffering of insomnia.

Evaluate one or more explanations for sleeping disorders 16

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It would seem that it is the increased levels of stress hormones, leading to a constant state of arousal which potentially causes insomnia. This was demonstrated by Vgantgas who found that primary insomniacs have increased levels of the hormones ACTH and cortisol. This is supported by Winkelman who found that primary insomniacs studied over six months had less GABA. Both these studies suggest that, due to the abnormal levels of stress hormones primary insomniacs may have they experience constant levels of arousal and therefore they cannot sufficiently reduce their brain activity to the degree of relaxation that is ...

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