Genetic factors in aggression

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Outline and evaluate genetic factors in aggression.

The idea that genetic factors play a role in aggression has been studied by many psychologists.

They have looked at twin studies to try and find evidence of a genetic basis. Twin studies provide evidence of a link by comparing the tendency of both twins in pairs of monozygotic and dizygotic twins expressing aggression. One twin study was carried out by McGue et al, by using a multi-dimensional personality questionnaire to assess levels of aggression; they were able to find correlational values of both MZ and DZ twins. The study found that genetic factors play a part in aggression. In studies such as these the twins are asked to self report or else the parents asked to  fill in questionnaires, in this way there is a problem of how each individual assesses aggression. It was suggested by Plomin et al that with no difference in amounts of aggression shown by MZ and DZ twins (in Bandura’s studies), individual differences in aggression were more a product of environmental influences rather than genetic factors. It has also been suggested that MZ twins are treated more alike by the public than DZ twins due to them acting more like ‘one’ person rather than two separate people. This may effect how alike they are and how likely they both are to express aggression.

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As this evidence is not clear cut, psychologists also look at evidence form adoption studies. These would help to establish a link by looking at someone who is adopted and comparing their aggressive tendencies with that of their biological parents and their adopted parents. This tells us whether the aggression is a result of genetics or the environment (nature/nurture). An example of an adoption study would be that of Hutchings and Mednick who did a study of 14000 adoptions in Denmark, they found that a significant number of adopted boys with criminal convictions had biological parents with criminal convictions, ...

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Summary This essay has included some of the major studies that have been carried out in the field of genetics and aggression. The writer appears to understand the main arguments but is very brief when describing studies and the meaning of them. In order to improve upon this score more detail needs to be added as well as a good introduction and concluding paragraph. Star rating 3*