Investigation into the relationship between an individuals precieved ugliness, harmfullness and an individuals fear of the animal.

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A phobia is a common type of anxiety disorder, a phobia is characterised as a persistent fear, and has to have a rapid anxiety response with the initial stress response occurring immediately. The client must recognise that the fear is irrational and try hard to avoid the stimulus. To be clinically classed as a phobia they must find that this affects their life style. There are three types of phobias, these are, social phobias, agoraphobia, and specific phobias. Social phobias are a fear of social situations due to own self consciousness, and fear of others. Agoraphobia is the fear of open or public places. A specific phobia is the phobia of a specific object, commonly animals, such as arachnophobia which is the fear of spiders.

Seligman (1971) introduced his preparedness hypothesis; this proposed that the non-random distribution of fears is caused by an evolutionary predisposition. This evolutionary predisposition means that the modern man has a tendency to react fearfully to stimuli which would have been a threat to prehistoric man (such as snakes, spiders, high places etc); this is not an innate reaction but facilitates acquiring such fears through classical conditioning. Seligman states that it can be merely a mild unconditioned stimulus which can activate this tendency to fear the stimuli of prehistoric mans fears, and that this can result in a highly resistant conditioned fear. The preparedness hypothesis explains why some highly aversive experiences do not result in phobias.

Ohman et al developed a more detailed version of Seligmand preparedness hypothesis, they suggested that there are two evolutionary based fear systems; these are predator defence system and the social submissiveness system. The predator defence system mobilises fear of a stimulus such as spiders or snakes, and is needed as soon as a child can move away from their parents in order to survive, as if they have no fear they could be in danger, for example going towards a snake which could be poisonous and hurt or kill them. Where as the social submissiveness system becomes important during adolescence because this is when social hierarchy is important. Ohman et al also state that animal phobias originate from the predator defence system.

A study into the relationship between fear, and appearance was conducted by Bennett-Levy and Marteau (1984), this study supports Seligman’s preparedness hypothesis. Bennett-Levy and Marteau studied 113 participants which were selected from those who attended a local health centre. They split the participants into two groups. Bennett-Levy and Marteau asked the first group to complete a questionnaire based on their fear of animals, they had to rate the animals as harmful or harmless. The second group completed a questionnaire based on the characteristics and appearance of an animal. Bennett-Levy and Marteau found that an individual is born with a readiness to fear certain animals, they also found there to be a relationship between the fear of an animal and the appearance of an animal in terms of how the animal differed from the human form, for example number of limbs or skin texture. They also questioned the traditional treatment of phobias, suggesting instead that the key differences must first be treated by de-sensitization of the phobic.

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This research was based closely on that of Bennett-Levy and Marteau, the aim of this research was to discover firstly whether or not there was a relationship between an individual’s fear of an animal and their perceived harmfulness of an animal and the ugliness of the animal. The hypotheses for this research were based on the research conducted by Bennett-Levy and Marteau.


  1. The more harmful an individual perceives an animal to be the more that they will fear the animal
  2. The uglier an animal is perceived to be the more it will be feared ...

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