Investigation to see which of the two interference methods, playing video games or listening to music, has more of an effect on recall.

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Psychology coursework


An investigation will be conducted to see how different types of interference affect recall and which types of interference have the bigger effect. In 1959, Peterson and Peterson set up an experiment to prove that information not being rehearsed would be lost from short term memory. In the experiment, Peterson and Peterson used what is known as the Brown-Peterson technique. On each trial, participants were presented with a trigram consisting of three consonants, which they knew they would be asked to recall in the correct order. The participants counted backwards in threes from a random 3-digit number between the initial presentation of the trigram and the time when they were asked to recall it. This was done to prevent rehearsal of the trigram, because rehearsal would have improved performance by keeping information in short term memory. They found that there was a rapid increase in forgetting from short term memory as the time delay increased. After 3 seconds 80% of the trigrams were recalled, after 6 seconds 50% were recalled, and after 18 seconds fewer than 10% of the trigrams were recalled. The findings from this study suggest strongly that information held in short term memory is lost rapidly when there is little or no opportunity to rehearse it; therefore, information in short term memory is fragile and easily forgotten when being interfered with.


 The study suggests that information is lost easily from the short term memory if it is not being rehearsed and that rehearsal of the information would lead to it being stored in the more stable long term memory. The problem with the above study is that the interference was a list of trigrams which lacks ecological validity. I will be replicating the above study to a certain extent but aim to include interference that can commonly be found in everyday life. My investigation will involve listening to music or playing a video game as the interference methods that can be applied to real life situations in order to see if the theory of interference has a more practical application.


To see which of the two interference methods, playing video games or listening to music, has more of an effect on recall.


Experimental: playing a video game will interfere with recall more than listening to music will.

Null: there will be no significant difference in recall after playing video games or listening to music.

Research method:

I will be carrying out a laboratory experiment to test my hypothesis; the reasons for this are that it gives me a large degree of control over a number of situational variables and it allows me to collect the quantitative data I need through the completion of set tasks by the participants.

Design method:  

I will be using an independent groups design; I have chosen this so each participant experiences one experimental setting only so the order effect does not affect participants who are then less likely to respond to demand characteristics and avoid order effects.

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Since the experiment is being conducted in order to measure the amount of interference on recall the following variables were operationalised in order to allow for the collection of quantitative data.

Independent variable: whether the participants will be listening to music or playing a video game or doing nothing.

Dependent variable: the number of words the participant can remember after the allotted time (see procedure).  


I will be using opportunity sampling in order to select my participants which has a number of advantages, the first is that it eliminates bias from the sample and those within the ...

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