Plantations were large farming areas where tobacco, rice and cotton were grown, most of which would be sold. Most black people would be slaves on these plantations. Slavery for the plantation owners was cheap and very useful. Life for slaves on the plantations wasn’t very pleasant. Lots of white people believed that black slaves were ideal to work in hot conditions on the field since they’ve lived under the same climates in Africa where it was also very hot.

An overseer had slaves under his control and he ran the plantation. There they were in charge of all the work groups. Overseers were responsible for making slaves work as hard as they could to make a profit and keep the plantation running. Nearly all of them used a whip to control the slaves. Overseer would be supervising the beating of a slave by the other slaves. Punishments like these were meant to ensure a complete obedience. Overseers weren’t meant to kill a slave but if they did little would happen to them. Many slaves were beaten so often that they were permanently scarred. Overseers could be white or black although the majority were black and male.

The slaves had to work very long hours and in the fields. They would be woken as early as 4 a.m, and taken from their smelly and overcrowded barns to the fields. Thirty minutes later, they would start work if they were late they would be whipped. They would have to work all day with maybe only one 15 minute break. Summer temperatures could reach 50 degrees Celsius, which made working conditions very difficult. Some slaves would be fitted in some sort of piece of equipment so they wouldn’t be able to runaway and so the overseers would know where they were. Anyone who did not seem to work hard enough would be beaten. As well as whips, overseers would be carrying guns and knives and often had vicious dogs. When it came too dark to continue working they would have to go back to their barns. There they would have to light a fire and make their own meal. This was their usual way of life except on Sundays. Then they could have a rest & worship their Gods

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Farms and plantations

Most of the enslaved Africans ended up working on farms and plantations. New slaves that had just arrived from Africa had to be prepared for a horrible work on the fields. At first farmers and plantation owners gave them easier work than to the slaves that have been there longer, like looking after animals, weeding and gathering stones. This process was known as “seasoning”.

In north America, most farms were small, so there was only a need for 3 to 4 slaves per farm. In the tobacco and wheat growing states of the middle parts, ...

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