Outline and Evaluate Research into Minority Influence (18 marks)

Moscovici et al 1969 conducted a study to see if the consistent minority of participants could influence a majority to give an incorrect answer in a colour perception test. They found that Participants in a consistent condition yielded and called the slides green in 8.4 (34%) of the trials. He also found that 32% of the participants in the consistent condition reported a green slide at least once. Participants in the inconsistent condition yielded and called the slides green in only 1.3% of the trials. This concludes that it is important for a minority to behave consistently over time if they are to influence a majority to change its viewpoint. However this study does lack ecological validity as it is not a real life situation. There is also a gender bias which poses problems with generalisations. The demand characteristics could have been affected as the people may have guessed what the study was about as they were all tested for good eyesight. There may also be ethical problems such as deception and confidentiality as people are not being told at the start what was going to happen.

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Nemeth and Moscovici 1974 looked at the seating positions, if you chose a seat at the head of the table then are more likely to yield to you. It does matter what position you are in as well as what message you are trying to share.

Clark 1994 did a study into the ’12 Angry Men’ where the video was recreated. As this wasn’t a real situation, Participants, may not take it seriously and Participants may yield less (lacks ecological validity). This could be improved by using real case studies to carry out this study. The demand characteristics ...

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