My Grandparents

My grandparents are now well into their '70'. According to their ages we would call them 'elderly people'. The image of elderly people is that they are unglamorous, grumpy and old-fashioned. But my grandparents are different.

My grandma has short, thin, gray hair. The silver hair forms a shiny texture, which changes in different lights. Grandma always keeps her hair neat. She wears her golden-rimmed glasses for reading and she has wrinkles that almost entirely cover her little cheeks when she smiles. She dresses to fit almost any occasion. She has a collection of clothes that are all similar in design, but different in colour.

My granddad is a small man but he is still very energetic and vigorous. He has a soldier's spirit and consciousness. He always wears the same-styled and dark coloured clothes as if they are his uniform.

My grandparents took me home when I was only eight days old and brought me up until I came here joining my parents when I was twelve years old.

During the twelve years, my grandma has had a great influence on me. Her kindness touched my heart because she brought me up without a moaning word. However, we all know that to bring up a child is a great difficult task. I felt that she would always stand by me whenever I was upset or in trouble. I used to, when I was little girl. Just sit on her lap and listen to her old sweet songs and sometimes I could become a chatterbox until I was tired.
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Her habits also influenced me. She always told me, not to waste things when I was little. Every dinner if I left over food in my plate, she would always give me a hint that the farmers had diligently produced the food. At the end I would feel sorry and eat up all the food.

When I was only in nursery sometimes I was a little naughty girl because every afternoon we had to go to bed and sleep. I remembered one afternoon when everyone went to sleep only I could not get to sleep. I could ...

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