'Organisation in Memory'.

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Project Brief

PB 1; Statement of hypotheses

The aim of this piece of research is to investigate if and how organisation of words affects the memory, i.e. the recall of the words.  My experimental hypothesis is:

‘The organisation of a group of words will increase the recall’

My null hypothesis is:

‘Organisation of words will not affect the recall.’

PB 2; Explanation of direction of hypotheses

This research investigation is being based on the work of many psychologists, such as Bower et al. for example.  They found that organisation did increase recall.  This is what I am expecting with my results so therefore my experimental hypothesis is directional

PB 3; Identification of research method/design

To test my hypotheses I am going to use an experimental design.  

PB 4; Evaluation of the advantages and disadvantages of the chosen research method

The main strength of this is that all confounding variables are more easily controlled, such as noise for example.  Also, this design can determine a casual link, and also the investigation can be easily replicated.  Another strength is that the results will be quantitative, so will be in statistical form.

However, as well as strengths there are also weaknesses involved in using this design.  First, the conditions that will be undertaken by the participants will not be true to everyday life, therefore the results will not give a true reflection of what occurs in everyday life, and so ecological validity will be significantly decreased.  Second, total control over all variables is never possible, for example noise.  A third disadvantage of my chosen design is that results are easily affected by many types of bias, experimenter, volunteer and sample bias are examples.  Finally, some classes of participants, such as children, react poorly under experimental conditions.

PB5; Identification of bias/confounding variables

There are many confounding variables that can affect my results when they are collected.  One of these that may occur is noise.  This is due to a Sixth Form Open Day taking place during data collection.  This noise may act as an environmental stressor to the participants, therefore may affect their performance in the investigation.

Other confounding variables include other environmental factors, such as temperature and overcrowding.  These factors can both affect participants and ultimately act as variables as they affect the results collected.

A final confounding variable, that will directly affect my participants’ recall, is photographic memory.

PB6; Explanation of plans for the control of bias/confounding variables

To eliminate the noise from acting as a stressor to my participants, I will ensure the experiment will take place in a quiet area.  

In order to eliminate the temperature from affecting the recall, I will check with each participant before they begin if they are comfortable with the conditions.  If not, I will move them to another area until they are comfortable.  

My first point, to prevent too much noise by going to a quiet area, will hopefully also deal with overcrowding from acting as a confounding variable.

To eliminate the issue of participants’ having a photographic memory, I will ask each participant beforehand if they have a photographic memory.  If they answer ‘yes’ then I will not use them as participants in my experiment.

PB7; Statistical significance

The level of statistical significance I will use is P<0.05.    

PB8; Identification of ethical considerations

One ethical consideration is that it could be seen that I am deceiving the participants by not telling them whether the word list is organised or disorganised.  I am not doing this because then demand characteristics would affect my results because if they had the disorganised list they may use that as a cue to do worse.  However, this is unlikely to cause psychological harm to the participant.

Another ethical consideration to take into account is that of informed consent.  The participants will be selected on a college open day, so it would be simple for them just to agree to take part without really understanding what was occurring.  However, this is also unlikely to cause psychological harm, but I will show each participant a set of standardised instructions before they take part.

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Also, to eliminate any ethical problems I will give each participant a full debrief after the experiment.  This will tell the participants which word list they had, the title of the experiment and what it entails.



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