Outline and evaluate one or more explanations of attachment

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Outline and evaluate one or more explanations of attachment (18 marks)

Attachment is a strong, emotional, reciprocal bond between two people, especially child and carer. Attachment serves three main purposes these are that it is essential for; a child’s survival, a child’s emotional stability throughout his/her life and the stability of a child’s future relationships

One explanation of attachment is the learning theory. This theory explains that an attachment is something that is learnt (nurture). Behaviourists came up with the theory that attachment is either learnt through classical conditioning or operant conditioning.

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Classical conditioning is learning through association; food is an unconditioned stimulus and provides pleasure, which is an unconditioned response. The individual who feeds the infant is a conditioned stimulus and this individual becomes associated with pleasure, which is a conditioned response. When this association is made an attachment bond is formed between infant and ‘feeder’.

Operant conditioning is learnt when we are rewarded for doing something. Every time you do something and the result is pleasurable the behaviour is reinforced (repeated). On the other hand every time you do something and the result is not pleasurable it ...

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This essay offers a reasonable opening with a pretty comprehensive definition of 'attachment'. It has a good structure and attempts with some level of success to evaluate the behaviourist explanation of attachment and how it occurs. The research explored is not so recent but some attempt is made to evaluate its contribution to research and understanding of attachment. Ethics are important here. 3*