Outline and evaluate research into obedience

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Outline and evaluate research into obedience (12 marks)

Obedience is complying with an order from another person to carry out an action. Many studies have been conducted into looking at obedience in people and what factors in a situation lead people to obey.

Milgram (63) conducted a study to find out whether ordinary Americans would obey an unjust order from a person in authority to inflict pain on another person. Milgram gained a volunteer sample of 40 males from a range of backgrounds who were each paid $4.50 and were deceived into thinking they were giving electric shocks. The participants were told the study concerned the role of punishment in learning. The participant had the role of a teacher and a confederate played the learner. He had to memorize pairs of words. The teachers role was to administer a shock every time the learner made a mistake. The teacher had 30 levers each indicated the level of shock to be given. The participant watched the confederate being strapped into the electric chair. The learner began to answer correctly but then made mistakes. Shocks started at 15 volts and rose in 15 volt increments up to 450 volts. The researchers encouraged the teachers to give the shock when they hesitated. However no shocks were actually administered. The experiment continued until either the teacher refused to move on or 450 volts were reached and given 4 times. All participants went to at least 300 volts on the shock generator; this is 20 separate shocks administered. 65% of participants went to the end of the shock generator; this is the whole 450 volts which were 40 separate shocks. Most participants found the experiment very stressful and wanted to stop. Milgram concluded that under certain circumstances, most people will obey orders that go against their conscience. When people occupy a subordinate position in a dominance hierarchy, they become vulnerable to lose feelings of empathy and are inclinced towards blind obedience.

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This study used a volunteer sample which is not representative to the population as a whole; therefore it has low population validity. The sample also only contained male volunteers, therefore the study is androcentric and not representative.

This study has many ethical issues that need to be taken into consideration. The study did not gain fully informed consent; therefore the participants were deceived and were not told the nature of the experiment. They were told the study concerned the role of punishment in learning and did not know it had anything to do with obedience. The participants were put ...

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Summary The writer has mentioned two obedience studies for this piece of work. However, there are other experiments that the writer may want to include in order to improve the rating. For example, Hofling's experiment should also be included. Milgram's experiment has been explained well and the writer has included some very good critical points too. The second experiment has less detail and needs to be expanded upon. Rating 3*